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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 (被解雇后)得以复职 were reinstated

    2 (公司)精简的 lean

    3 (减薪)不够多 it did not go far enough

    4 (解雇员工时的)一个月代通知金 one-month exgratia payment

    5 (劳工处)就业科 Employment Services Division

    6 (劳工处)展能就业科 Selective Placement Division

    7 (劳资双方)和解 resolution(labour)

    8 安全耳罩 safety earmuff

    9 罢工行动 strike action;The mineworkers were solidly in favour of strike action./take strike action

    10 罢工人士 striker

    11 半退休状态 semi-retired

    12 卑贱的工作 menial jobs

    13 被裁人员 redundancy(n);led to over 200 redundancies/result in massive reducdancies

    14 被解雇员工 redundant workers/the sacked workers/the laid-off employees

    15 本港外籍家庭佣工 foreign domestic helpers

    16 编更 duty rosters???

    17 编更问题 rostering dispute???

    18 剥削劳力的工厂 sweatshops

    19 不打算裁减人手 had no plans to trim staff

    20 不断上升的失业率 remorseless rise in unemployment

    21 不满的机场工人 disgruntled airport workers

    22 不能承诺不再裁员 cannot guarantee no lay-offs

    23 裁员(动词) dismiss sb/make sb redundant/lay sb off

    24 裁员(名词) job cuts/sackings/lay-off/cut staff

    25 成功向员工减薪 win the pay-cut battle

    26 创造就业机会的计划 job-creation plan

    27 打击黑工/打击非法劳工 crack down on illegal labour

    28 大幅减少招募员工 severely cutting back on recruiting

    29 冻薪 freeze pay

    30 二百九十名被解雇员工 the 290 sacked workers

    31 发动签名请愿行动 organise a signature petition

    32 发起罢工 come out/go out on strike

    33 发日薪的 daily-paid

    34 菲佣 Filipino domestic workers

    35 肺尘埃沉着病(补偿)条例 Pneumoconiosis(Compensation)Ordinance

    36 工头;领班 foreman

    37 工作过劳 overwork

    38 工作压力大 under stress/stressed/stressed out

    39 长期失业人士 long-time job-seekers

    40 做兼职 take on a part-time job

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