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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 雇佣条例 Employment Ordinance

    2 雇员补偿条例 Employees’ Compensation Ordinance

    3 国际劳工公约 International Labour Conventions

    4 过长工时 long working hours/work very long hours

    5 呼吁大家罢工 call a strike

    6 会加薪 would award a pay rise

    7 会聘请本地毕业生 would hire Hong Kong graduates

    8 继续提供一万一千个临时职位 extend more than 11,000 temporary jobs

    9 加入"颐康保障户口"计划 join the Health Protection Account

    10 将被解雇 face the sack

    11 解决失业问题 tackle the jobless problem/resolve unemployment

    12 精简架构 re-engineering/delayering/downsizing/rightsizing

    13 径行罢工 forging ahead with the strike

    14 抗议立法减薪 protest against legislation to cut their pay

    15 扩建工厂 expanded its plant

    16 来年再度被冻薪 experience another year of pay freezes

    17 连续工作36小时 work 36 hours straight

    18 两年前入行 entered the profession two years ago

    19 每星期要工作九十小时 endure 90-hour weeks

    20 青年自雇支持计划 Youth Self-employment Support Scheme

    21 求职陷阱 employment traps

    22 取回欠薪 got our backpay

    23 全国性罢工 general strike

    24 散工、临时工人 casual staff

    25 失去终身就业保障 lose cradle-to-grave employment

    26 失业(形容词) unemployed/out of work(a)

    27 实行最低工资制 the implementation of a minimum wage

    28 世界工厂 the workshop of the world

    29 收到大信封 received letters of dismissal

    30 受影响员工 affected staff/affected employees

    31 暑期实习生 summer intern

    32 双失青年 double unengaged young people/young people who were jobless and were not receiving an education

    33 谈判无成果 no agreement was reached

    34 讨回欠薪 claim back salaries

    35 提出自愿离职休计划 offer voluntary redundancy packages

    36 停职时扣薪 cut the wages of those on suspension

    37 停止引入外地专才 stop introducing outside talent

    38 外劳 imported workers/imported labours

    39 罔顾安全守则 ignored safety rules

    40 为表示诚意 to demonstrate sincerity
