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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 后浪推前浪 Each wave pushing at the one ahead

    2 厚古薄今 Stress the past more than the present

    3 花花世界 A world of self-indulgent luxury

    4 华而不实 Flashy without substance

    5 化公为私 Appropriate public property

    6 画饼充饥 Value empty names

    7 画饼充饥 Draw a cake to satisfy one’s hunger

    8 患得患失 Worry about this and that

    9 荒腔走板 Get out of tune

    10 惶惶不可终日 Be kept in a state of constant nervousness;be on tenterhooks all the time

    11 灰头土脸 Lose face

    12 悔不当初 Repentance always comes late

    13 混淆黑白 turn things upside down;Juggle black and white

    14 火海刀山 A sea of and a mountain of swords

    15 火中取栗 Pull chestnuts out of the fire

    16 货币交换 The exchange of currency

    17 击一猛掌 Give a shove

    18 积习难改 Old habits die hard

    19 家常便饭 1)ordinary meal(2)daily lot

    20 夹道欢迎 a grand roadside welcome;Welcoming crowds lining the streets

    21 假冒伪劣 Counterfeit and shoddy(products)

    22 坚苦卓绝 Overcome great difficulties with surpassing Bravery;most arduous

    23 艰难险阻 Difficulties and dangers

    24 将信将疑 half-believe ";"half believing,half doubting

    25 交头接耳 Whisper into each other’s ears

    26 教书育人 Impart knowledge to students while giving them moral education;impart knowledge and educate people

    27 街头巷尾 All over the city;in all parts of the city

    28 近在咫呎 Lie close to home

    29 经风雨,见世面 Face the world and brave the storm

    30 经久不息 prolonged(applause,ovation,etc.)

    31 惊鸿一瞥 Make a brief appearance

    32 精明强干 Ingenious and capable

    33 居高临下 Commanding height

    34 巨细靡遗 Big or small

    35 据为已有 make sth. one’s own;Take forceful possession of;have all to oneself

    36 绝元仅有 exceptional;unusual;Extremely rare

    37 军令如山 Military orders cannot be disobeyed/

    38 军转民 Transfer from military production to civil production

    39 俊男美女 Gorgeous hunks and girls

    40 开诚布公 Frank and straightforward
