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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 奋勇当先 Take vigorous lead in advancing

    2 丰功伟绩 heroic deeds;Gigantic contribution

    3 风吹草动 Grass bends as the wind blows;slight stir

    4 封山育林 Enclose the hill for natural afforestation

    5 疯疯癫癫 frantic;hysterical;Crazy

    6 烽火连天 The flames of war spread their conflagration far and wide

    7 锋芒所向 focus the attack on;Direct the spearhead against

    8 抚今思昔 Reflect past in light of present

    9 俯拾即是 Easily obtainable;available everywhere

    10 付诸实施 Be carried out;put into execution

    11 改朝换代 Change of dynasty

    12 改弦更张 Make a fresh start;change course

    13 甘居中游 Rest content with remaining mid-stream without making further advance

    14 甘心情愿 Willingly and gladly

    15 敢字当头 Put daring above all else

    16 高歌猛进 March forward in triumph

    17 高精尖 precision and advanced;High-grade

    18 各持已见 Each persisting in his own opinion

    19 各抒已见 Each expressing his own views

    20 耿耿于怀 Sick at heart;stick in one’s throat

    21 更上一层楼 (lit.)go up a storey still higher;strive for further improvement

    22 公私合营 joint state-private owned enterprises;Jointly run by the state and private owner

    23 共存共荣 Live and let live

    24 孤苦伶仃 Lonely and miserable

    25 鼓足干劲 Go all out;exert the utmost effort

    26 固执已见 Stick stubbornly to one’s own opinion

    27 故伎重演 Repetition of the old dodge;up to one’s old tricks

    28 怪模怪样 queer;odd;strange;Peculiar

    29 贯彻始终 thorough implementation;Carry on to the end

    30 鬼斧神工 Prodigious workmanship

    31 滚瓜烂熟 (of reading or recitation)very fluent and well versed

    32 海底捞月 a fruitless attempt;(lit.)dredge for the moon in the sea;(fig.)useless of effort

    33 旱涝保收 Sure to get high yields irrespective of drought or water logging

    34 好人好事 Good personalities and good deeds

    35 号啕大哭 utter a loud cry;Wail loudly;cry loudly

    36 何其毒也 How vicious it is

    37 何其相似乃尔 What a striking likeness

    38 赫赫有名 Have a treat reputation

    39 恨铁不成钢 Wish iron could turn into steel at once;be strict to someone in the hope that he could be better or change for the better immediately

    40 红光满面 Beaming with health;glowing with health
