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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 开诚布公 Lay all the cards on the table

    2 慷慨激昂 In lofty and energetic spirit;out of the fullness of one’s heart

    3 抗美援朝 Resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea

    4 可望而不可即 Be beyond reach;within sight but beyond reach

    5 克敌制胜 Defeat the enemy and win victory

    6 克已奉公 Wholehearted devotion to public duty

    7 刻骨仇恨 Bitter hatred;nourish or harbor a deep hatred for

    8 空口无凭 Oral expressions cannot be taken as proof;a verbal state-meat is no evidence;oral evidence is no proof

    9 空前浩劫 A calamity without parallel

    10 空前未有 without precedent;It has never been known before

    11 旷是持久 A long drawn-out;drag on

    12 拉拉扯扯 Tug;exchange flattery and favors

    13 老奸巨猾 ""sly old fox"" ";"an old hand at trickery and deception

    14 老弱残兵 those(soldiers)who are old,weak,ill or disabled

    15 了若指掌 Know…like the back of one’s hand

    16 雷大雨小 Many chimneys,little smoke

    17 里通外国 Have illicit or treacherous relations with a foreign country

    18 立党为公 Build a party for the interests of the vast majority

    19 两条腿走路 Walk on two legs(e.g. the policy of walking on two leg)

    20 临渴掘井 Begin to sink well when feeling thirsty;do a thing at the last minute

    21 另眼看待 1)see...in a new light(2)regard sb. favorably

    22 路遥知马力 The strength of a horse is tested by the distance traveled;a long journey tests a horse’s strength

    23 屡次三番 with iteration;Time and again;again and again

    24 屡见不鲜 It is not strange when one has often seen it;nothing new;it is often seen

    25 屡教不改 Refuse to correct one’s errors after repeated education;refuse to mend one’s way despite repeated education

    26 麻痹大意 Be caught off guard;lack of vigilance

    27 蚂蚁啃骨头 Ants gnawing at a bone(e.g. making huge machine with small machine-tools)

    28 瞒上欺下 Hoodwink those above bully those below

    29 每日每时 Daily and hourly

    30 勉为其难 Manage to do what is beyond one’s power

    31 明枪暗箭 Attack by overt and covert means

    32 鸣锣开道 pave the way for;Sound the gongs to clear the way for

    33 目不转睛 Stare continuously

    34 男男女女 Crowds of men and women

    35 内联外引 Introduce in vestment from abroad and establish lateral ties at home

    36 能官能民 Can be either an official or common people

    37 能上能下 (of cadres)who can work at both higher or lower levels;Able to work both at the top and down below

    38 能文能武 Skilled both in literary talents and military arts;able to do both mental and manual labor

    39 扭亏为盈 Turn loss into gain;go from loss-incurring to profit-making

    40 奴颜媚骨 Servile;sycophancy;flattery

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