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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 安脑牛黄片 Cow-bezoar Tablet for Tranquilization

    2 白芷根 dahurian angelica root

    3 鳖甲煎丸 Decocted Turtle Shell Pill

    4 除虫菊 dalmatian chrysanthemum

    5 川贝枇杷止咳冲剂 Cough-stopping Infusion of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb and Loquat Leaf

    6 穿心莲 create

    7 抵当汤 Decoction for Attacking Blood Stasis in the Lower Abdomen

    8 番红化 crocus

    9 粉丹皮 cortex moutan radicis

    10 芙蓉叶 cotton rose hibiscus leaf

    11 广木香 cotusroot

    12 海浮石 costazia bone

    13 红肉洋参 crude ginseng

    14 辣蓼(全株) culrage (whole plant)

    15 满山红叶 daurian rhododendron leaf

    16 满山红油 daurian rhododendron oil

    17 猫眼草 crescent euphorbia

    18 南瓜子 cushaw seed

    19 牛黄降压丸 Cow-bezoar Pill for Lower Blood Pressure

    20 牛黄解毒片 Cow-bezoar Antitoxic Tablet

    21 牛黄散 Cow-bezoar Powder

    22 牛黄益金片 Cow-bezoar Tablet for Throat Trouble

    23 农吉利(全株) crotalaria (whole plant)

    24 清胆汤 Decoction for Clearing Away Gallbladder-eat

    25 清肺汤 Decoction for Clearing Away Heat in the Lung

    26 清金化痰汤 Decoction for Clearing Away Lung-heat and Disolving Phlegm

    27 清胃解毒汤 Decoction for Clearing Away Stomach Heat and Toxid Substances

    28 生脉饮 Decoction for Activating Pulse

    29 鼠李(果) dahurian buchthorn (fruit)

    30 菟丝子 cuscuta

    31 菟丝子 dadder seed

    32 香附子 cyperus rotunus

    33 小儿牛黄片 Cow-bezoar Tablet for Children

    34 延胡索,元胡 corydalis tuber

    35 洋金花(风茄花) datura flower

    36 元胡止痛片 Corydalis Tuber Analgesic Tablet

    37 止咳冲剂 Cough Infusion

    38 止咳枇杷冲剂 Cough Infusion of Loquat Leaf

    39 止咳枇杷糖浆 Cough Syrup of Loquat Leaf

    40 止嗽散 Cough Powder

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