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    1 船用罗兰C接收设备通用技术条件 General specification for marine loran-C receiving equipment

    2 电视同步期传一路高质量声音的技术规范 The specification of one channel high quality sound in sync

    3 动物油脂熔点测定 Animal fats and oils-Determination of melting point

    4 复印机械环境污染测量方法 Environmental pollution measuring methods for copying machine

    5 化学试剂六氰合铁(Ⅱ)酸钾(亚铁氰化钾) Chemical reagent--Potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ)tri-hydrate

    6 化学试剂十二水合硫酸铝钾(硫酸铝钾) Chemical reagent--Aluminum potassium sulfate dodecahydrate

    7 连续搬运设备架空索道术语 Continuous handling equipment-Term of aerial ropeways

    8 排水用柔性接口铸铁管及管件 Cast iron pipes and fittings with flexible joint for sewerage

    9 染色体畸变分析估计生物剂量 Chromosomal aberration analysis for biological dose assessment

    10 双圆弧圆柱齿轮基本齿廓 Double-circular-arc tooth profile of basic rack for cylindrical gears

    11 铁镍碱性蓄电池总规范 General specification for alkaline nickel-iron rechargeable batteries

    12 同轴电气假负载总规范 General specification for coaxial line electrical dummy loads

    13 橡胶软管外胶层耐磨耗性能的测定 Rubber hoses-Determination of abrasion resistance of the outer cover

    14 锌银碱性蓄电池总规范 General specification for silver-zinc rechargeable cells

    15 自愈式低电压并联电容器 Low voltage shunt capacitors of the self-healing type

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