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    译典分类展示:行业标准名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 光学系统像质测试方法 Image quality of optical systems-Method of determination

    2 航空轮胎爆破压力试验方法 Burst pressure test method for aircraft tyre

    3 航空轮胎静负荷性能试验方法 Test method of static loaded performance for aircraft tyre

    4 航空轮胎外缘尺寸测量方法 Method of measuring pneumatic aircraft tyre peripheral dimensions

    5 航空无内胎轮胎气密性能试验方法 Air retention test method for tubeless aircraft tyre

    6 聚乙酸乙烯酯乳液试验方法 Testing methods for polyvinyl acetate emulsion

    7 漆膜弯曲试验(锥形轴) Bend test for coating (conical mandrel)

    8 实验室pH计 Laboratory pH meter

    9 橡胶软管增强用钢丝 Steel wire for hose reinforcement

    10 颜料抗渗色性的比较 Comparison of resistance to bleeding of pigments

    11 真空镀膜设备通用技术条件 Vacuum coating plant generic specification

    12 直接动作电测量记录仪 Direct acting electrical measuring recorders

    13 子午线轮胎用钢丝帘线 Steel cord for radial tyre

    14 自行车用底漆 Primers for bicycles

    15 自行车用面漆 Finishes for bicycles

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