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    译典分类展示:行业标准名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 半导体X射线能谱仪的测试方法 Test procedures for semiconductor X-ray energy spectrometers

    2 船舶机舱集控台通用技术条件 Marine engine room central control console-general specification

    3 船用法兰焊接单面座板 One-side welded bed plate for flanges in marine

    4 船用交流低压配电板通用技术条件 Marine A.C low voltage switchboard-general specification

    5 辞书编纂符号 Lexicographical symbols

    6 低本底α测量仪 Low background alpha measuring instrument

    7 过渡配合螺纹 The threads for transition fit

    8 螺柱技术条件 Studs--Technical requirements

    9 铆钉技术条件 Specifications for rivet

    10 青铜吸入通海阀 Bronze suction sea valves

    11 铜管接头三通接头 Copper tube joints-Tees

    12 铜管接头套管接头 Copper tube joints-Sockets

    13 铜管接头异径接头 Copper tube joints-Reducers

    14 图书和其它出版物的书脊规则 Spine titles on books and other publications

    15 铸钢吸入通海阀 Cast steel suction sea valves

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