

例句1. he had a new car and a boat’
例句2. the flat has five rooms’
例句3. they had beans on toast’
例句4. she had a letter from Mark’

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

The increasing in the rigidity of motor body and the improvement in the structure of suction and exhaust valve have also contributed to the reduction of mechanic noise. The an entire low noise, low vibration running is resulted.


have /get one’s own back on sb.


Collat and Lingane have shown that electrolytic reduction of nitrate ions proceeds all the way to NH4+ in the presence of Cu2+.


FM1 and FM2 have the same frequency range.


Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 3: Particular requirements for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies intended to be installed in places where unskilled persons have access for their use--Distribution boards


Install your graphics card in the proper slot if your motherboard does not have integrated graphics.


have sth. at one’s tongue’s end

把...背得滚瓜烂熟; 对...十分熟悉

Packaging should have “Try me” function


We have built a solid reputation for providing quality workmanship and superior service at a fair price


Tremendous strides forward have been made in this sector of building.


5 consecutive lots or batches have been considered acceptable on original inspection.


Moreover, over the past x years since our country started to develop friendship city relations with other countries, we have achieved a great many positive results in exchange program in such areas as economy, culture, science, technology and sports


Unpack the contents of the shipping carton. As you unpack the carton, check the contents to make sure you have received all items.


Capitalists have failed miserably in this task in the past five years.


When Disco’s hub blade is going to be used on machine of other manufacturer, prepare and affix safety labels that have contents equal to those included in this sheet, if necessary.


if the persons involved or the persons held chiefly responsible have violated the public security regulations, they shall be handled by the public security organ according to law.


The uniquely designed combustion chamber, enlarged cylinder working capacity, and excellent fuel consumption rate have contributed to a larger power output of GM series compared with OHV motors .


Supervision of foreign offenders who have been conditionally sentenced or conditionally released


Written copies of the response will be sent to all tenderers who have received the tender documents.


All subsidiaries under that parent company in China, which have enjoyed the preferential policies for their investment in high technology projects, shall receive national treatment starting on April 1st.


Since the inception of reform and opening up to the outside world, 53 State-level new and high-tech industrial development zones have been set up nationwide


Communications circulated under the “no objection” procedure to which objections have been raised.


The company is proud of its highly-trained employees, many of whom have been with the company for many years.


Shut down (close down)the enterprises whose products have no market


Conference on Government Experts on Weapons that may cause unnecessary suffering or have indiscriminate effects


Joint ventures that have obtained approval certificates for establishment shall go through the formalities for the use of land at the Municipal Land Bureau within one month and get their land use certificate.


If you have any problems, you can enter BIOS setup by pressingduring startup.


How fast they have progressed over the past 10 or 20 years!


Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [10 Oct. 1980](CCW)


Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects


have something at one’s fingers tips


属类:工程技术 -航海工程-

below bridges(the expression refers to the movements of ships which have to pass under bridges so as to load or unload their cargo)


属类:行业术语 -海运-

auxiliary verb

1.Used with a past participle to form the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses, and the conditional mood.
‘I _have_ finished’
‘he _had_ asked her’

1.A swindle.
‘I _have_ to say, this whole tropical island thing is a bit of a _have_ .’
2.People with plenty of money and possessions.
‘an increasing gap between the haves and _have_ -nots’
‘It can lead to bitter divisions and increase the psychological and social distance between the haves and the _have_ nots.’

1.Accept or tolerate.
‘I can’t _have_ you insulting Tom like that’
‘We can’t _have_ you being late for something like this, now, can we?’
2.Be able to make use of (something available or at one’s disposal)
‘how much time _have_ I got for the presentation?’
‘One of the beauties of an adult gap year is the range of choices you _have_ available.’
3.Be certain or inevitable to happen or be the case.
‘there _has_ to be a catch’
‘Why is it that it always _has_ to rain when I take the kids to and from school and then clear up straight afterwards.’
4.Be made up of; comprise.
‘in 1989 the party _had_ 10,000 members’
‘My job _has_ two parts: teaching an instrument privately and teaching classroom music theory.’
5.Be obliged or find it necessary to do the specified thing.
‘you don’t _have_ to accept this situation’
‘sorry, we’ve got to dash’
6.Be strongly recommended to do something.
‘if you think that place is great, you _have_ to try our summer house’
‘The film is really something one _has_ to see.’
7.Be the recipient of (something sent, given, or done)
‘she _had_ a letter from Mark’
‘He _had_ lessons in theory and composition from Rimsky-Korsakov.’
8.Cause (something) to be done for one by someone else.
‘it is advisable to _have_ your carpet laid by a professional’
‘We’re _having_ a small, flat roof added as part of our loft extension.’
9.Cause to be in a particular state or condition.
‘I want to _have_ everything ready in good time’
‘I _had_ the TV on with the sound turned down’
10.Cheat or deceive (someone)
‘I realized I’d been _had_ ’
‘Then he realized he’d been _had_ - and a big grin spread over his face.’
11.Eat or drink.
‘they _had_ beans on toast’
‘We lose our temper and, as soon as we’ve _had_ a cup of tea and a biscuit, we feel better.’
12.Engage in sexual intercourse with.
13.Exercise or show (mercy, pity, etc.) towards another person.
‘God _have_ mercy on me!’
‘He _has_ little mercy on flawed arguments, wherever they originate.’
14.Experience or suffer the specified action happening or being done to (something)
‘she _had_ her bag stolen’
‘Three years ago a friend of ours _had_ his mini stolen, and this is the email he sent me.’
15.Experience; undergo.
‘I went to a few parties and _had_ a good time’
‘I was _having_ difficulty in keeping awake’
16.Give birth to or be due to give birth to.
‘she’s going to _have_ a baby’
‘My mother knows a couple, newly married and who _have_ just gone through the happy experience of _having_ a set of twins.’
17.Have gained (a qualification)
‘he’s got a BA in English’
‘His human resources officer told him that some of his employees were functionally illiterate, despite _having_ high school diplomas.’
18.Have put (someone) at a disadvantage in an argument.
‘you’ve got me there; I’ve never given the matter much thought’
‘What is a unit trust? OK, you’ve got me there.’
19.Hold or grasp in a particular way.
‘he _had_ me by the throat’
‘He _had_ me by the arm and lifted me, forcibly, to my feet.’
20.Let (a feeling or thought) come into one’s mind; hold in the mind.
‘he _had_ the strong impression that someone was watching him’
‘Madonna _has_ given me so much good advice through the years: she _has_ such strong opinions.’
21.Organize and bring about.
‘are you going to _have_ a party?’
‘I told her a friend of mine was _having_ an open house at the artist co-op where she lived.’
22.Perform the action indicated by the noun specified (used especially in spoken English as an alternative to a more specific verb)
‘he _had_ a look round’
‘the colour green _has_ a restful effect’
23.Place or keep (something) in a particular position.
‘Mary _had_ her back to me’
‘I soon _had_ the trout in a net’
24.Possess (a quality, characteristic, or feature)
‘the ham _had_ a sweet, smoky flavour’
‘she’s got blue eyes’
25.Possess as an intellectual attainment; know (a language or subject)
‘he knew Latin and Greek; I _had_ only a little French’
26.Possess, own, or hold.
‘he _had_ a new car and a boat’
‘ _have_ you got a job yet?’
27.Provide or indulge oneself with (something)
‘he _had_ himself two highballs’
‘While you’re _having_ yourself a merry little Christmas, one of the songs you might often hear is a recent classic, a song whose author waited 20 years for the right student to put his music to words.’
28.Show (a personal attribute or quality) by one’s actions or attitude.
‘he _had_ little patience with technological gadgetry’
‘you never even phoned, and now you’ve got the cheek to come back’
29.Suffer from (an illness, ailment, or disability)
‘I’ve got a headache’
‘Many people are unaware they _have_ _had_ the illness so do not know if they are immune.’
30.Take or invite into one’s home so as to provide care or entertainment.
‘we’re _having_ the children for the weekend’
‘How about I _have_ you up for the weekend after choir gets out for Winter Break?’
31.Tell or arrange for (someone) to do something for one.
‘he _had_ his bodyguards throw Chris out’
‘she’s always _having_ the builders in to do something or other’
32.Used to indicate a particular relationship.
‘he’s got three children’
‘do you _have_ a client named Peters?’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。