

例句1. the daunting task of raising five boys’

“I didn’t have a clue of what Leonardo wanted,” she says of the daunting assignment, “so I became a student of Leonardo, and tried to embody a number of characteristics of his work.”


Nevertheless, learning Chinese culture and passing it on to the next generation is too daunting a task for the yearly campaign to accomplish.


Where to Start LookingA large complex program like the Linux kernel can be rather daunting to look at


“But things were different for beginners. “For beginner exercisers, mirrors can be daunting ,” she said.”


If the timing had been different, the distance less daunting and my heart not already--albeit unknowingly--engaged, I could have ended up with that man whom I went off to visit. Or if not him, then with someone else.


Although setting up user-level security on most databases can be a daunting task, the User-Level Security Wizard makes it easy to employ innovative security features for your Access database? in a one-step process.

尽管在很多数据库上设置用户级安全机制将是一个令人发怵的工作,但“设置安全机制向导”使这一过程变得容易,它可以通过一步操作来为 Access 数据库?采用全新的安全功能。

At the beginning, just taking notes on lectures and finishing the reading on time were daunting challenges


The tests before the United States as it heads toward the twenty-first century are certainly daunting


When you are buckling yourself into your seat at the start, the ride does not seem so daunting


Unchecked violence has already dulled the luster of the big apple. The daunting task before its leaders is to prevent it from rotting to the core.


Heavy-weights like Sotheby’s or Christie’s may seem daunting to outsiders, but one made its reputation selling books and the other sold horses at a time when the business had the social status of selling second-hand cars


The prospect of meeting the President is quite daunting .


Inserting an invisible zip is a process that some would find daunting but it is also only a basic joining operation.


||1: But the biggest damage could be political. ||2: Proposed dams on the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra, Mekong and other rivers are bound to have an impact on downstream countries, including India, Bangladesh and Vietnam. ||3: The Chinese say they would take only 1% of the run-off from the giant Brahmaputra. ||4: But if all these projects were operational—and the engineering challenges of one or two of them are so daunting that even the Chinese might balk at them—they would affect the flow of rivers on which a billion people depend. ||5: Hence the worries for regional stability. ||6: And all this would increase China’s water supplies by a mere 7%. ||7: The water crisis is driving China to desperate but ultimately unhelpful measures.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-水资源 -

||1: Acknowledging defeat will not be easy. ||2: The next presidential race will probably attract a more daunting field of candidates, leaving little room for a man who will then be 72 and whose House career ended in censure and disgrace. ||3: In stump speeches he has traced the origins of his presidential aspirations back to 1958, when he was 15 years old. ||4: In the early 1990s he described himself as an “advocate of civilisation, definer of civilisation, teacher of the rules of civilisation…leader (possibly) of the civilising forces.” Or possibly not.

||1:承认失败并不容易。||2:下一次的总统竞选,将吸引更多富有实力,令人望而却步的候选人,这样一来,留给这位72岁,其议会生涯在谴责和耻辱中结束的男人的空间所剩无几。||3:在政治演说中,他曾经追忆他想当总统的起源,当时是1958年,他只有15岁。||4: -20世纪90年代早起,他形容自己是一个“文明的倡导者,文明的定义者,文明规则的教授者.....文明力量的领袖(大概吧)”. 看来事实并非如此。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-纽特·金里奇的竞选——败局已定 -

||1:For a less daunting take on the same topic, readers should try “Massive”, an entertaining yarn published in 2010 by Ian Sample, science correspondent for the Guardian, a London newspaper.||2:Mr Sample also tracked down many of those involved, including Mr Higgs.||3:But Mr Close’s magisterial work is sure to become the definitive account of the story.||4:It offers no unambiguous advice to the Nobel committee.||5:But the judges would be wise to give it a thorough read anyway.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-想象的殿堂 House of dreams -

||1: Mr Trichet is right, but only up to a point. ||2: The sheer scale of European’ banks’ funding needs (about 1.7 Euro trillion, or 2.5 dollor trillion, in the next three years) is daunting : an idea from Morgan Stanley, to use the EFSF to offer European guarantees on new bank debt, has gained traction recently. ||3: And illiquidity is a symptom of concerns about solvency. ||4: So Ms Lagarde is right that strengthening banks’ buffers is important. ||5: The July stress tests, which did not allow for sovereign defaults, offer scant guidance. ||6: Using the market price of sovereign bonds, the IMF thinks that European banks could have unrecognised losses of Euro200 billion, meaning lots more capital would be needed. ||7: The EFSF is one sensible source.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-世界经济 任重而道远 -

||1:Such schemes are fine in normal times, but do not do much to reassure people that their deposits won’t be repaid in a different currency (or that their money will be safe if their own government cannot stand behind the scheme).That has prompted calls for a European insurance fund which would guarantee repayment in euros.||2:The idea is appealing, but the politics and logistics of a credible guarantee are daunting .

||1:这样的计划在一般情况下是没有问题, 但要使人们相信他们的存款不会通过另一种货币来偿还则作用不大.(如果他们的政府都无法支撑起这样的计划, 他们也就很难相信他们的存款是安全的). 这就使得必须有一种欧洲保险基金能够担保在存款偿付时使用欧元。||2: 这种想法是十分吸引人的, 但实施一项可信的担保计划涉及的政治事务和组织工作却令人望而生畏。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧洲的银行们 忧虑因素 -

“A third of the world’s population already lives in dry lands, ” said Fedoroff. “The shape of the future is pretty daunting . ”


“The aim is to develop an approachable brand for consumers who otherwise find lawyers and their fees daunting . ”


It sounds like a daunting amount, but if you think about it mathematically, it’s actually very manageable.


Arab dictators have proven resilient in the face of similarly daunting challenges.


Dark energy is a more daunting problem still.


Eight teams of interviewers, one male and one female, were faced with that seemingly daunting task.


Brazil faces daunting inequality, both between its poorer north and more developed south and within its vast cities.


Beijing’s TV towers are the two most daring, and daunting , new buildings in the city.


Compare the petite Chihuahua with the daunting Great Dane, or the lithe greyhound to the poofy Pomeranian.


It is not only Meyer’s heroine who found Volterra daunting .


Whether at a local gym or getting ready for a game at school, time in the locker room can be daunting for any guy.


These things can seem daunting to try to change.



1.Seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.
‘a _daunting_ task’
‘It is a _daunting_ task for any Government to ensure the health of the citizens.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。