

    名词复数:destructions 词频:高频常用词
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    形容词 变体/同根词

    Able to be destroyed.
    For some of the aliens a direct hit is enough, others can be killed only with a ricochet, the most powerful ones are destroyable only after several strikes.
    (Ireland, informal) (particularly of a child) soiled, muddied, especially as a result of a fall or spill.
    The community was stunned silent when they arrived to see the destroyed buildings.
    Liable to destruction; capable of being destroyed.
    These textures can be so generic that they mask many of the destructible items as they blend into the environment.
    The pages seemed lost and all the more precious, all the more destructible.
    The new levels and goals are excellent, with plenty of variation and more destructible environments.
    Causing destruction; damaging. || Causing breakdown or disassembly. || (computing) Lossy; causing irreversible change.
    The article details the devastation from one of the most destructive events in human history.
    One of the problems destructive criticism is that it saps your confidence.
    They also warned that H-bombs could be built that were a thousand times more destructive than the A-bomb.

    名词 变体/同根词

    Distraught by such wholesale destructions, Shenoy started salvaging whatever he could.
    He sailed the world in the mad destructions of his mind but they found him out and started booting his door in at night.
    Tradition told them of many destructions of mankind and of the preservation of a remnant.
    Coatings were left for 72 h to assure complete polymerization, and afterwards coatings destructivity was evaluated.
    The quality of being destructible.
    The condition of being destructible
    The difference between destructibility and indestructibility is something which is very fine, which is very small.
    With two huge areas to explore, the interactions will be infinite with each level offering massive amounts of destructibility.
    For use in these applications, marking films are required to have suitable destructibility whereby a break occurring in one part does not extend to the surrounding other part.
    the state or quality of being destructive
    We had a bellyful of that in 1967, and its destructiveness needs no homily.
    As against these, the stupendous increase in the destructiveness of air power has been of limited utility in guerrilla war.
    Nick Duerden’s second novel studies the spiral of self destructiveness, and how some can fail over and over again yet still come out winning.

    动词 变体/同根词

    To destroy the structure of something || To dismantle
    (transitive) To intentionally cause the destruction of. || (intransitive) To self-destruct.
    Akra Jr seems to be on a major destruct mission at the moment and it’s really getting me down.
    In some cases, public safety will demand a benign destruct mode for the technology.
    During the 15th flight, the missile was destroyed by command destruct early in its flight.
    (intransitive) To cause destruction. || (transitive) To neutralize, undo a property or condition. || (transitive) To put down or euthanize. || (transitive) To severely disrupt the well-being of (a person); ruin. || (colloquial, transitive) To defeat soundly. || (computing) To remove data.
    The flood and strong winds would completely destroy the building.
    Though professed, he was not a priest when the persecutor strove to destroy his hopes of religious life.
    According to activists, emissions from nearby factories will slowly destroy the environment.

    The Causes of the Destructions of MinYue Kingdom



    Ecological destructions from mining development and its recovery directions in Daxing’an Mountains area



    Controlling and Protecting Methods of Abnormal Destructions of Bridge Deck Pavement


