

    音标:[dɪ'sent] 现在分词:dissenting
    过去式:dissented 过去分词:dissented
    名词复数:dissents 第三人称单数:dissents
    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    Even his dissents were widely quoted, and some prompted legislative changes
    Discussion on Dissents in the Results of Groundwater Sample Analysis

    形容词 变体/同根词

    In some courts, the expectation is that judges will suppress dissenting opinions because of the perceived advantages of judicial unanimity.
    Dissenting; of a different opinion.
    Seldom performed sequentially and together, they were taken up integrally in 1966 by a dissentient cellist in the Vienna Symphony Orchestra in an interpretation that changed the world’s perception of Viennese sound.
    In a manner that disagrees; dissenting; discordant; different.
    Trenchard was able to offer his small and relatively inexpensive force as a cost-effective way to keep dissident colonials in check.
    Marked by dissensions; contentious || dissenting
    He would not then be an offerer of dissentious sacrifice, but a peaceable offerer of love and charity.
    He established cordial or dissentious relationships with most of the great contemporary figures.
    In this film Scorsese employs two meal occasions to establish the signs of a dissentious household.

    动词 变体/同根词


    It is my mother who dissents ; she has a clear and penetrating judgment, and does not smile on the proposed union



    Discussion on Dissents in the Results of Groundwater Sample Analysis



    Even his dissents were widely quoted, and some prompted legislative changes



    "Pointing Out the Consents and Dissents Among Six Schools": T’ang Emperor Hsüan-Tsung’s "Preface to Hsiao-Ching"-An Indicative Aspect of the T’ang and Sung Official Glosses and Commentaries on Confucian Classics



    ||1:In oral argument she liked to leap in first, keen to establish at the start whether the plaintiff had really been damaged, or not.||2:(Her shy, soft, pause-filled delivery off the bench really speeded up then, to Brooklyn fast.||3:) She often announced her dissents orally, from the bench, to show how much she disagreed, and in the trying 5 to 4 years when she regularly led the dissenters she made sure they spoke with one voice.||4:On those days she wore her “dissenting collar”, a grey, stony, quietly menacing number.||5:It fitted the occasion nicely.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国最高法院大法官鲁斯·巴德·金斯伯格(2) -

    ||1:In her dissents she sometimes appealed to Congress to correct the law and occasionally, to her delight, it did.||2:Her legal hero was an incrementalist: Thurgood Marshall, the first black justice on the court, who had laboured to dismantle segregation.||3:Even when she was (as she operatically liked to say) a flaming feminist litigator, bringing cases before the Supreme Court in the 1970s on behalf of the Women’s Rights Project at the aclu, she saw herself first as a teacher, instructing the all-male court how women felt about laws which “protected” and thus demeaned them.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国最高法院大法官鲁斯·巴德·金斯伯格(3) -

    A radical does not merely object to a few scattered instances of injustice; he dissents from a whole way of life



    "Three dissents on Fed policy is pretty close to mutiny, " he said.


