

例句1. she has an elderly mother in a nursing home

形容词 变体/同根词

(US, dialectal) Oldest.
It would drive its ball through even the oldermost of the tribe of Ephraim, or, if you preferred, bark a squirrel at nearly any distance.
somewhat old
In fact, he might even be considered on the oldish side, although no-one would dare tell him that to his face.
It’s an oldish building, but it’s nice, fairly weathertight, and fits my needs.
An oldish man of portly figure, who looked like a sea captain, was steering.
Somewhat old; elderly.
(vulgar) Used in the same context as old, but more intense.
名词 变体/同根词

Someone who is old.
He swung his club behind him but the oldster was already scampering for the safety of the rock.
Ain’t particular comfortable for an oldster like me when they’s a full-grown, man-eatin’ outlaw layin’ about the grounds.
But as an oldster I can be heartily thankful for the novels of the 1-10 geo.
(nonstandard, proscribed) An old man.
The existing temperature is ideal for the breeding of mosquitos, says an oldman and former teacher Abdul Ghanni, resident of Shadab colony.
The agony of an oldman for being neglected in the family and ill-treated by his daughter-in-law, abides.
There are few signs of dissipation about the 46-year-old Oldman these days.
Care for elderly people.
Families are wondering whether they can keep up this pace and still attend to their children and eldercare needs over time.
This course is free of charge to women and full bursaries are available to cover childcare, eldercare and travel costs.
Therefore, they have to mix and match their schedules to attend to children, eldercare, and community responsibilities.
The state of being old; age.
I was thinking about oldness and how it shouldn’t really be measured by physical age.
His opponents on the ultra-left demand we save our party from newness and demand a return to an oldness that never really existed anyway.
Yet even with her oldness and tiredness and metal curlers she had the look of race which attracted Murray.
The quality or state of being elderly
Because Virginia’s fair housing law includes elderliness as a protected class it is broader than the federal fair housing law.
The age of elderliness seems to be relative rather than absolute.
But over on The X Factor the elderliness of codger judges Louis Walsh and Ma Osbourne is a problem.

1.(of a machine or similar object) showing signs of age.
‘a couple of _elderly_ cars’
‘Rain, when driving talent is at a premium, has been a great leveller for the young driver in his _elderly_ car.’
2.(of a person) old or ageing.
‘an _elderly_ relative’
‘specialist services for the _elderly_ ’
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