

例句1. the enactment of a bill of rights’
例句2. parliamentary enactments covering food safety’

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

(a)revision or enactment of domestic laws, regulations and other measures related to China’s commitments under the WTO Agreement and Protocol, including those of local governments at the sub-national level, that have been promulgated since accession or the previous meeting of the relevant body under the Transitional Review Mechanism

( a)自加入以来或过渡性审议机制项下有关机构的上一次会议以来,与中国在《 WTO 协定》和议定书项下承诺有关的国内法律、法规及其他措施的修改或制定情况,包括地方各级政府的国内法律、法规及其他措施
属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国在过渡性审议机制中提供的信息 2

(j)enactment and implementation of a new law and relevant regulations regarding assessment and control of chemicals for the protection of the environment in which complete national treatment and full consistency with international practices would be ensured within one year after China’s accession following conditions set out in 3(t)of the TBT Working Party Report

( j)根据工作组报告书 TBT 部分,在中国加入后 1 年内,为保护环境而对化学品进行评定和控制的新法律和相关法规的制定和实施情况,其中保证完全的国民待遇,关保证完全符合国际惯例
属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国在过渡性审议机制中提供的信息 2

(ii)a new situation arises after enactment of such legislation, thereby requiring clarification of the basis of its application.

( 二)法律制定后出现新的情况,需要明确适用法律依据的。

(ii)matters which are local in nature and require the enactment of a local decree.

( 二)属于地方性事务需要制定地方性法规的事项。

(x)other matters the regulation of which must be carried out through enactment of national law by the National People’s Congress or the Standing Committee thereof.

( 十)必须由全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定法律的其他事项。

(i)matters for which enactment of local rules is required in order to implement a national law, administrative regulation or local decree;

( 一)为执行法律、行政法规、地方性法规的规定需要制定规章的事项;

(i)matters for which enactment of a local decree is required in order to implement a national law or administrative regulation in light of the actual situation of the jurisdiction;

( 一)为执行法律、行政法规的规定,需要根据本行政区域的实际情况作具体规定的事项;

(i)matters for which enactment of administrative regulations is required in order to implement a national law;

( 一)为执行法律的规定需要制定行政法规的事项;

an enactment ;an order under section 740 of the Ordinance;the directors; or an ordinary resolution of the company.

(A)成文法 (b)根据本条例第740条作出的命令 (c)董事 或(d)公司的普通决议

Of or relating to the enactment of laws.


Enactment into law of a legislative measure.


“”“commissioner for oaths”“ means a commissioner for oaths duly appointed by the Chief Justice under any enactment in force in Hong Kong;”


Section 23 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap.1)shall apply in relation to the repeal of a provision of an United Kingdom enactment effected by this section as it applies in relation to the repeal of a provision of an Ordinance.


Insurance companies which were established prior to the enactment of this Law shall divide their operations in accordance with the second paragraph of this Article in accordance with the stipulations of the State Council.


Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect--the provisions of the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap. 117)or any law or enactment relating to the revenue


not to rush Article 23 legislation to enactment


to the extent that, but for the enactment of this Ordinance, that act, matter or thing would on or after the relevant day have had any force or effect or been in operation, and as if this Ordinance had never been enacted.


Article 2 The enactment , amendment and repeal of any national law, administrative regulation, local decree, autonomous decree and special decree shall be governed by this Law.


Article 60 The enactment procedure for an administrative regulation shall comply with the relevant provisions of the State Council Organic Law of the PRC .


Article11 For a matter covered by an enabling decision, if the conditions are ripe for the enactment of a national law, the National People’s Congress or the Standing Committee thereof shall enact a national law in a timely manner. Upon enactment of the national law, the relevant authority for lawmaking in respect of the matter shall be terminated.


Article 48 In introducing a bill, the bill sponsor shall at the same time submit the draft law and the accompanying commentaries, and shall also provide the necessary materials. Commentaries to the draft law shall also explain the necessity for its enactment and its main content.


Article 52 The presidential order for promulgation of the law shall set forth the enactment organ, the date of adoption and the date of implementation.


Article 151 Insurance companies established upon approval in accordance with the regulations of the State Council prior to the enactment of this Law shall remain operative. Those which do not fully meet the requirements stipulated in this Law shall satisfy the requirements within a prescribed period of time. Specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.

第一百五十一条 本法施行前按照国务院规定经批准设立的保险公司继续保留,其中不完全具备本法规定的条件的,应当在规定的期限内达到本法规定的条件。具体办法由国务院规定。

A decisional product,such as a statute,decree,or enactment ,delivered by a legislative or a judicial body.


A legislative bill or enactment .


opposed the enactment of Article 23 legislation


Perceived Enactment of Autonomy and Related Sociodemographic Factors Among Non-institutionalized Elders


The vested power or constitutional right of one branch or department of government to refuse approval of measures proposed by another department,especially the power of a chief executive to reject a bill passed by the legislature and thus prevent or delay its enactment into law.


Model National Legislation for the guidance of Governments in the Enactment of Further Legislation against Racial Discrimination


The Enactment , Conversion and Extinction of the Public Property


Offence of Major Accident Against Enactment of Administration of Dangerous Goods



1.A law that is passed.
‘enactments covering food safety’
‘Most of the law dealt with here is based on statutes or other public enactments.’
2.An instance of acting something out.
‘the story becomes an _enactment_ of his fantasies’
‘Or, by switching voices, he himself can reply to his own statement and then respond to the reply, thereby shifting from monologue to the _enactment_ of dialogue.’
3.The controlled expression and acceptance of repressed emotions or impulses in behaviour during therapy.
‘Sibling influence on the learning and _enactment_ of aggressive behavior has been consistently demonstrated in studies of sibling relationships.’
‘In addition, the therapist should review _enactment_ roles, inviting the couple to remember their individual roles in the process used to reach the goals.’
4.The process of passing legislation.
‘the _enactment_ of equal pay legislation’
‘Nor was there much support for the _enactment_ of game laws from western settlers.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。