

    音标:['evɪdəns] 现在分词:evidencing
    过去式:evidenced 过去分词:evidenced
    名词复数:evidences 第三人称单数:evidences
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    (1)For the supply contract or lease contract where the transfer of claim is stipulated, the leasor shall enjoy and exercise the claim right, and the lessee shall provide necessary evidences
    There are evidences that somebody has been living here.
    A lot of new evidences have been brought to light in recent years
    The fleet now resumed its exploration of the south Cuban Coast, alert for evidences of Chinese culture

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Obviously true by simple observation; eyely.
    Our focus on the success of our students will be evident from the moment you step into the school.
    Overgrazing and poor range management is the evident cause for this serious land degradation.
    If the child is genetically female then a Barr body should be evident in approximately 10-20 percent of the cells.
    Of or providing evidence.
    A spokesman said the area close to the A64 had been sealed off purely for evidential purposes, and there was no safety risk.
    A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in subsection.
    I do not think there are any good evidential or other reasons for belief in a supreme deity, much less a benign and all-powerful one.
    同义词: evidential
    (law) Of or pertaining to evidence.
    All electronic communication, regardless of the medium, is now potential evidentiary fact in our litigious society.
    The trial judge’s succinct reasons refer to many salient evidentiary points.
    Until the evidentiary threshold of proof beyond a reasonable doubt is reached, the judge and the Constitution order the jury to acquit.
    Lacking evidence.
    Of or relating to evidentialism.

    动词 变体/同根词

    To provide evidence, especially in order to support a claim, theory etc