

例句1. the company was flush with cash

例句1. he kissed her cheek and she flushed in embarrassment

Oral Oestrogen Replacement Therapy versus Placebo for Hot Flushes


Suber flushes early and pupas are already found at a time when the caterpillars on ilex are just hatching


This is particularly true when the car operates in dusty areas, changing oil flushes this dust out so that it cannot harm the engine.


The benefits of using Flushometers instead of toilet tanks in commercial structures were considerable and undeniable: a saving of water, much less maintenance; a relative freedom from breakage and vandalism, and virtually no recycling time between flushes .


No tide flushes through this narrow inlet


||1:About 47m women around the world reach the age of menopause each year.||2:In Western countries, where most research has been conducted, up to 80% will experience symptoms such as hot flushes , night sweats, depression, insomnia, anxiety and memory loss.||3:Symptoms can last up to 12 years.||4:Around a quarter of women going through menopause feel so wretched that their quality of life is dimmed, according to studies in rich countries.||5:Almost half of British women experiencing it say that their work suffers as a result.


"It’s not as good as estrogen, " adds the physician, "but it reduces hot flushes by 40 to 60 percent and will make you drowsy. "


When the user scrolls new rows into view, your code requests new data from the cache and optionally flushes old data from memory.


It flushes up to 100 events per notification, and buffers up to 1000 events in case of a sudden rise in the frequency of events.


The sea bed flushes in the silt model the long period power to melt the research generally on behalf of the data feeds


Function flushes output buffered and any other buffered data to the Web browser.


Flushes all its internal state except the encoder state after every call to.


Lower temperatures signal your body that it’s time to sleep, and they make hot flushes less disruptive.


She could only imagine how infuriating it would be if a doctor insisted her hot flushes were "all in her head" .


You’ve just stepped into the shower when some family member flushes the toilet downstairs and makes you a victim of shower shock.


Yo momma’s so ugly, when she walk by the bathroom the toilet flushes .


Fatigue turned to exhaustion, joined by headaches and hot flushes .


The average American flushes the toilet five times a day, the author says, using 18. 5 gallons of water.


Water helps keep your body operating at its best because it flushes toxins and waste materials from your system.


When my sump pump flushes , it makes a loud banging sound. Do I need a check valve or something else to make this stop?


On completion of the writing, it flushes the file buffers and unlocks the file.


Your vagina has its own natural cleaning system that flushes out bacteria, so you don’t need to add any chemicals to help it.


Calling Close on a Stream flushes any buffered data, essentially calling Flush for you.


During the shutdown process, the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service flushes all pages to disk.


In this case, even if the application flushes the data, it may still be buffered by the server for optimization.


Inspires flushes pushes the dense garrulous stone marker construction technology summary


Toilets are neat and clean , that flushes are working and no leaking and floor tiles are in good order.


Indicates whether or not the writing to the log file stream flushes the buffer.


Hubei province, China: Robber flushes diamond rings down the toilet.



1.(of a door) having a smooth surface, without indented or protruding panels or mouldings.
‘A _flush_ door was kicked in and a neighbour crawled into the flat on his hands and knees and dragged the occupant to safety.’
‘A recently discovered block-and-shell bureau table by John Townsend - one of only two with a _flush_ door - is said to have descended directly from the cabinetmaker.’
2.(of money) plentiful.
‘the years when cash was _flush_ ’
‘Don’t rush to hire when sales turn strong and cash is _flush_ .’
3.(of printed text) not indented or protruding.
‘each line is _flush_ with the left-hand margin’
‘Second, center the entire page on the screen instead of having it _flush_ left.’
4.Completely level or even with another surface.
‘the gates are _flush_ with the adjoining fencing’
‘Office cladding is designed as a vented, triple-glazed _flush_ facade.’
5.Having plenty of something, especially money.
‘the banks are _flush_ with funds’
‘The Government is so _flush_ with cash that it cancelled the 2005 January bond tender.’

1.So as to be directly centred; squarely.
‘Hodson caught him _flush_ on the jaw with a straight right’
‘A left hook caught him _flush_ on the jaw and he staggered across the ring.’
2.So as to be level or even.
‘the screw must fit _flush_ with the surface’
‘If you are tight on space, you can set the divider _flush_ against the wall and even put some furniture like a chair or desk in front of it.’

1.(in poker or brag) a hand of cards all of the same suit.
‘Heartless men, dashing knights of the keyboard, arranged their cards into pairs and _flushes_ and whatever else was necessary to rob a rube - me - of his next week’s paycheck.’
‘When comparing _flushes_ , the highest card is compared first, then if these are equal the middle card, and finally if necessary the lowest.’
2.A fresh growth of leaves, flowers, or fruit.
‘Gardeners also benefit from this beauty during the late summer, when it produces edible yellow fruits after a _flush_ of saucer-shaped flowers.’
‘Cut off spent flowers to promote additional _flushes_ of bloom.’
3.A period when something is new or particularly fresh and vigorous.
‘he is no longer in the first _flush_ of youth’
‘Looking for deeper feelings beyond the first _flush_ of love was outside the scope of the research.’
4.A piece of wet ground over which water flows without being confined to a definite channel.
‘The area will become a haven for people interested in the environment, and will boast a range of habitats including woodland, pasture, reservoirs, the brook and valleyside _flushes_ .’
‘The snail lives around the _flushes_ of natural springs in the Sand Dale area, where it feeds on the lush vegetation.’
5.A reddening of the face, skin, etc., typically caused by illness or strong emotion.
‘a _flush_ of embarrassment rose to her cheeks’
‘A _flush_ colored her cheeks as she lowered her focus to the blank envelope.’
6.A sudden abundance or spate of something.
‘the frogs feast on the great _flush_ of insects’
‘The company chief insists that 20 new models will buoy unit sales in the second half of 2003, but a _flush_ of younger cars alone will not fix the company’s problems.’
7.A sudden flow.
‘the melting snow provides a _flush_ of water’
‘What we need is a good _flush_ through the Richmond River system (certainly not a major flood).’
8.A sudden rush of intense emotion.
‘I was carried away in a _flush_ of enthusiasm’
‘He thought back to the _flush_ of excitement that had driven him to propose at seventeen.’
9.An act of cleansing something, especially a toilet, with a sudden flow of water.
‘an old-fashioned toilet uses six or seven gallons a _flush_ ’
‘Moments later, a _flush_ and water running from a tap were heard before the door was opened once more.’
10.An area of warm colour or light.
‘the bird has a pinkish _flush_ on the breast’
‘But the surfaces were now coloured in soft _flushes_ of pink or orange and the marks blurring toward integration with the surfaces.’
11.Denoting a type of toilet that has a flushing device.
‘The aqueducts provided public baths with hydrous spectacles and private houses with running water and _flush_ toilets.’
‘There were very few _flush_ lavatories even at foreign companies, hotels and apartments, let alone ordinary residences.’
12.The action of driving an animal or game bird from its cover.
‘labradors retrieve the birds after the _flush_ ’
‘The handler may help the dog in order to allow the gunners and himself to get within gun range for the _flush_ .’
13.The device used for flushing a toilet.
‘he pressed the _flush_ absent-mindedly’
‘Everyone is impressed by the _flush_ on an aeroplane toilet.’

1.(of a person’s skin, face, etc.) become red and hot, typically as the result of illness or strong emotion.
‘Rachel _flushed_ angrily’
‘For the first time, Elle _flushed_ under his gaze.’
2.(of a plant) send out fresh shoots.
‘the plant had started to _flush_ by late March’
‘All seedlings were dormant in December and had _flushed_ in May.’
3.(of a toilet) be cleansed by flushing.
‘Cally heard the toilet _flush_ ’
‘She giggled some more and I heard the toilet _flushing_ .’
4.Cause (a liquid) to flow through something.
‘0.3 ml of saline is gently _flushed_ through the tube’
‘The first few times it happened, I screamed blue murder for the nurse, who came and simply opened the clamp, increasing the flow and _flushing_ the blood back into the vein in a wonderfully cold ripply gush.’
5.Cause to be revealed; force into the open.
‘they’re trying to _flush_ him out of hiding’
‘One theory has it that the military did not surround and arrest them but instead _flushed_ them out of the bush to run for cover and to disband and disperse.’
6.Cleanse (something, especially a toilet) by causing large quantities of water to pass through it.
‘she _flushed_ the loo’
‘the nurse _flushed_ out the catheter’
7.Drive (a bird, especially a game bird, or an animal) from its cover.
‘the grouse were _flushed_ from the woods’
‘Provisions in the Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002 allowed for the use of dogs to _flush_ foxes from cover for marksmen to shoot as a means of pest control.’
8.Fill in (a joint) level with a surface.
‘Use a palm sander to _flush_ the edge of the plywood in line with the doorframe.’
‘Grinding or shaving can be employed to _flush_ the joint at the location of the panel assembly and fastener joint.’
9.Glow or cause to glow with warm colour or light.
‘the sky was _flushed_ with the gold of dawn’
‘Keleus thrust his spear into the earth and looked upon the dying sky, _flushed_ in crimson, and he whispered unto the winds.’
10.Make red and hot.
‘a wave of colour _flushed_ his cheeks’
‘A brief thank-you and a hint of a blush _flushes_ her cheeks, she takes a sip of cold fruity Pimms and listens in for a cue in the conversation she can jump in on.’
11.Remove or dispose of (an object or substance) by flushing.
‘I _flushed_ the pills down the lavatory’
‘the kidneys require more water to _flush_ out waste products’

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