

例句1. schools are a focus of community life’
例句2. the focus of this criticism is on helping people find solutions’

动词 变体/同根词

NASDAQ, the (American)National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, is a stock exchange market focusing on technology stocks


By focusing on the details, a man demonstrates that he is paying attention, really looking at her, and this is the kind of comment that can boost a woman’s self-esteem


Focusing on early Ming and early and middle Qing, it explores architectural, urban and geographical space of Beijing, in relation to issues of history, geopolitics, urban social structure, imperial rule and authority, symbolism, and aesthetic and existential experience.


The students did their research at SKLCC, focusing on efficient and clean ways of converting coal into fuels, chemicals or materials.?


Successful business leaders produce specific measurable results for their organization by focusing their own efforts, and by enabling others to create dramatic breakthroughs in their own personal effectiveness.


Ourgame has been developing rapidly and is expanding its business to the other areas, such as PC games, the large online 3G game and so on. As a famous domestic website focusing on online card and board games, Ourgame is aiming to develop to an integrated international entertainment platform which has complete varieties of games and operational models.


Always readjust your focus to the infrared focusing mark when using infrared films and infrared.


Article 2 The work for flood control shall observe the principles of unified planning, overall consideration, focusing on prevention, integrated measures for treatment and subordinating local interests to general interests.


Article 5 The state institutes a policy of focusing on prevention of animal epidemics.


After focusing , slip the viewfinder cap attached to the strap over the viewfinder eyepiece as necessary.


Focusing is achieved with the split-image, micro prism or matte focusing screen in the viewfinder.


I am sure it can be for certain individuals. But for me, focusing on my own business, developing assets, made me a better employee.


Most are small local operas focusing on songs and dances.


The French historian Fernand Braudel revolutionized his field by focusing his research on daily activities, such ad food consumption, in order to understand early historical periods. Similarly


What’s the website focusing on?


Procuratorial organs at all levels are focusing their efforts on the investigation,handling and winding up of those major and key cases


Study for a MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (University of Wales)at The North East Wales Institute. A 15 month full-time or 2 years part-time course focusing on: International Health Care, Nursing Theory ,Practice Research, Management Studies


While looking through the viewfinder, focus by turning the focusing ring.


The international community is focusing more and more on the issue of what kind of new international order should be established


While the state will increase loans for technological transformation, the enterprises themselves should allocate more funds to this end, focusing on improving the quality of products, reducing consumption of materials and enhancing the capacity to turn out export products to earn foreign exchange and to produce more import substitutes


Experts and scholars from home and abroad are greatly focusing on this important discovery


Focusing on the unfairness of circumstances keeps you comparing yourself with others rather than appreciating your own special uniqueness.


Muscle: Contractile tissue that produces motion for functions, including body movements, digestion, focusing , circulation, and body warmth. It can be classified as striated, cardiac, and smooth or as phasic and tonic (responding quickly or gradually to stimulation, respectively).


To stick to the development guidelines focusing on industrial projects, FDI absorption and export, with a special emphasis on high and new technology development


Minimizing changes of speed and direction may help, as may reclining, not turning the head, closing the eyes, or focusing on distant objects.


Ground glass: Glass screen at the camera back with one side finely grounded.Used for image focusing and checking of position.


Contact lenses-Determination of back vertex power-Part 1: Method using focimeter with manual focusing

接触镜 后银顶屈光度的测定 第1部分:用焦距计人工调焦的方法

Contact lenses-Determination of back vertex power-Part 1 : method using focimeter with manual focusing .

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S11-682-1-2000

By putting the past behind us I mean ceasing to talk about it and focusing on the future.


She said, “Yeah, but I like my own hair. ”Rather than focusing on the behavior and continuing to give it energy, we both dropped it and continued to enjoy our time together.



‘I don’t value a more male focus above more female focus.’
‘They primarily felt that education is a necessary and central focus for building a strong nation.’
2.A device on a lens which can be adjusted to produce a clear image.
‘He adjusts the focus of the Carl Zeiss 120 mm macro lens, which allows him to work very close up.’
‘Focus on the subject and use the focus lock facility of your camera.’
3.An act of concentrating interest or activity on something.
‘our focus on the customer’s requirements’
‘Jesse refused to meet her eyes, his focus concentrating on her silver hoop earrings.’
4.An element of a sentence that is given prominence by intonational or other means.
5.One of the fixed points from which the distances to any point of a given curve, such as an ellipse or parabola, are connected by a linear relation.
‘Well, he discovered, in the elliptical function, that the Sun was located at one of the two foci of the relevant ellipse.’
‘A feed system is placed with its phase center at the focus of the parabola.’
6.The centre of interest or activity.
‘this generation has made the environment a focus of attention’
‘Frequent shifts in the proposed focus of the fund suggest considerable contention behind the scenes.’
7.The point at which an object must be situated with respect to a lens or mirror for an image of it to be well defined.
8.The point of origin of an earthquake.
‘This result strongly agrees with the upward migration of seismic foci in the volcanic edifice, which has been found to precede recent flank eruptions.’
‘The geographic point directly above the focus is called the earthquake epicenter.’
9.The principal site of an infection or other disease.
‘In addition, a microscopic focus of transitional cell carcinoma was seen adjacent to the main tumor.’
‘Multiple foci of infection, several millimeters in diameter, were seen in many organs.’
10.The state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition.
‘his face is rather out of focus’
‘the incident brought her feelings for Alexander sharply into focus’

1.(of a lens) concentrate (light, radio waves, or energy) into a sharp beam.
‘Just like a camera lens, the eye’s lens focuses light to form sharp, clear images.’
‘The transmitter is physically close to the optical fiber and may even have a lens to focus the light into the fiber.’
2.(of a lens) make (rays or waves) meet at a single point.
‘And they were used for starting fires by focusing the rays of the sun.’
‘Others used a magnifying glass to focus the rays of the sun on the base of the wart.’
3.(of light, radio waves, or other energy) become concentrated into a sharp beam.
‘In the deep darkness it moved around quickly, setting up two water glasses on the table while the small light focused away from the two surrounding chairs.’
‘Furthermore, I’m using exercises that keep that stress focused precisely where I want it.’
4.(of rays or waves) meet at a single point.
‘Because gamma rays are hard to focus into sharp images, the science team then used the X-ray telescope on Swift to determine a precise location.’
‘These scatter the sun’s rays, and prevent them from being focused together into a single bright point.’
5.Adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly.
‘try to focus on a stationary object’
‘When she was able to focus, she saw two vamps descending on her.’
6.Adjust the focus of (a telescope, camera, or other instrument)
‘they were focusing a telescope on a star’
‘For example, in one puzzle you have to focus a telescope, and to do so you have to add or remove 14 lenses.’
7.Cause (one’s eyes) to focus.
‘she focused her eyes on his face’
‘It was difficult to focus her eyes, but she saw that he was gazing intently into them.’
‘an opportunity to focus research on the health needs of the population’
‘The two central planks to the strategy focus firstly on retaining existing customers in its core activities of mortgage lending and savings.’
9.Pay particular attention to.
‘the study will focus on a number of areas in Wales’
‘Instead they should be focussing on the over-55s who could decide the result of the next election, expected in May.’
10.Place the focus on (an element of a sentence).

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。