

    音标:[friː] 现在分词:freeing
    过去式:freed 过去分词:freed
    名词复数:frees 第三人称单数:frees
    比较级:freer 最高级:freest
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    Love is freeing. Love is freely given, not doled out on demand.
    n. 【机械】


    例句1. elementary education should be free’


    例句2. she was free of any pressures’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    “This was the freest and most fully resolved work I’ve seen from her, and I’m certain that Farrell’s serving as godmother to it is no coincidence.”
    “Meanwhile, South Korea is both the thirty-seventh freest country in the world and the thirteenth richest.”
    “The United States, you imagine, would of all nations be the freest from classicalism.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who frees.
    The state or condition of being free.
    “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
    “As elsewhere, we were impressed with the independent bearing and freeness of the Zapotec woman.”
    “Then, with the freeness and frankness which his race displays in such matters, Dario added some particulars.”
    A free person, particularly: || (usually historical) A person who is not a serf or slave. || (historical) A burgher with full freedom of a city, as opposed to nobles, outsiders, bondsmen, and others. || An honorary freeman: a person who has received an honorary freedom of a city. || (usually as two words) A person who is a citizen of a free country, as opposed to a subject of a tyranny or totalitarian dictatorship. || (Australia, historical) A person who immigrated to Australia freely, as opposed to those transported as convicts, or such a transported convict who has regained his freedom. || (US and Canada, historical) An independent fur trapper.
    “He shook off controversy surrounding the award to become an honorary freeman of his home borough of Stockport.”
    “Former Geraldton mayor Phil Cooper was made the city’s fifth freeman this week in recognition of his 31 years service to the local council.”
    “As indicated, the basic qualification for an intrinsic burgess, or freeman, was to be at scot and lot.”
    (informal) Something which is free; a giveaway or handout.
    “The mouse pad can be worth more than just a freebie handout at a trade show.”
    “The chief delineator, though, is the number of coffee purchases required before getting the freebie.”
    “And last but not least, don’t overlook the freebie seasonal offerings from your local arts centre.”
    (uncountable) The state of being free, of not being imprisoned or enslaved. || (countable) The lack of a specific constraint, or of constraints in general; a state of being free, unconstrained. || Frankness; openness; unreservedness. || Improper familiarity; violation of the rules of decorum.
    “After being released, Steven enjoyed a brief period of freedom before finding himself in hot water again.”
    “William Wallace encouraged his fellow Scotsmen to fight for their freedom.”
    “Now that he was starting to make a lot of money, he began to fantasize about freedom from taxation.”