

例句1. elementary education should be free’
例句2. she was free of any pressures’

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

Freeing from( a debt,payment,penalty,etc;exemption)


The representative of China further noted that, in undertaking market-oriented reform in the agricultural sector, China had made progress in freeing agricultural products from state pricing and in guiding farmers to adjust the structure of agricultural production based on the demands of the market. “

115 .中国代表进一步指出,在对农业领域实行的以市场为导向的改革过程中,中国在放开农产品的国家定价和引导农民根据市场需求调整农业生产结构方面已经取得了进展。

Love is freeing . Love is freely given, not doled out on demand.


Freeing from cause-and-effect, Helping the Causes, and Backtracking the Causes


If anything is hobbling you in your work, we should find a way of freeing you from it.


A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt.


the principles of freeing minds and seeking truth from facts


emancipating one’s mind, seeking truth from facts, freeing up oneself and making bold experiments


For you are with child and will give birth to a son; his hair is never to be cut, for the child is to be separate to God from his birth; and he will take up the work of freeing Israel from the hands of the Philistines.


Rheumatoid Arthritis of Cold-damp Type Treated through Eliminating Cold and Freeing Meridians


One of the big problems in freeing the city from pollution is that its citizens are using cars more and more.


Discussion on Stuck Freeing Technique of River Crossing with Horizontally Directional Drilling


Songkan is also a time for freeing birds. Children buy birds several days before New Year and then set them free. They believe that this act of kindness will help them become better people.


Treatment of One Patient with Lumbar Disc Herniation Accompanied by Paraplegic Induced by Freeing of Nucleus Pulposus to the Dorsal Part of Dura Membranous Sac


They have pressurize d him into freeing the prisoners.


Taditional Chinese Medical Study for the Methods of Freeing Network Vessels and Boosting Qi in Acute Cerebral Infarction


Heart-kidney Syndrome Treated by Warming Yang, Dispersing Retained Fluid and Freeing


Greek physician who laid the foundations of scientific medicine by freeing medical study from the constraints of philosophical speculation and superstition.He is traditionally but inaccurately considered the author of the Hippocratic oath.


Now see, this day I am freeing you from the chains which are on your hands. If it seems good to you to come with me to Babylon, then come, and I will keep an eye on you; but if it does not seem good to you to come with me to Babylon, then do not come: see, all the land is before you; if it seems good and right to you to go on living in the land,


Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Treated by Freeing Lung and Inducing Diaphoresis


and Jethro said, Praise be to the Lord, who has taken you out of the hand of Pharaoh and out of the hand of the Egyptians; freeing the people from the yoke of the Egyptians.


and Jethro was glad because the Lord had been good to Israel, freeing them from the power of the Egyptians.


The need for a spare tyre is eliminated, reducing weight and freeing boot space on every single journey.


Because the application program deals only with high-speed I/O, it finishes processing much more quickly, thus freeing space for another program


With the help of Antonio Sucre, he secured the independence of Ecuador in 1822. He completed José de San Martín’s revolutionary work in Peru, freeing that country in 1824.


This explosion is already freeing vast numbers of people from their traditional bondage to nature, and now at last we have it in our power to free mankind once and for all from the fear which is based on want.


||1:One approach, which has been employed by Sameer Singhal, a researcher at the CFD Research Corporation in Alabama, involves the same enzymes that break down glucose within a living cell.||2:Using carbon nanotubes, he and his colleagues immobilised two different enzymes on the electrodes of a fuel cell, where they generated electricity by freeing electrons from glucose.||3:At present, only two of the 24 available electrons in a single glucose molecule can be harnessed, but refinements to the technology should boost that number.

||1:就职于Alabama的CFD Research Corporation的研究人员Sameer Singhal所使用的方法涉及利用酶将活细胞中的葡萄糖分解。||2:利用碳纳米管,他和他的同事在燃料电池的电子上找到了2种不同的酶,在燃料电池中他们通过释放葡萄糖的电子来产生电能。||3:现在,在一个葡萄糖分子中的24个可用电子中只有2个可以利用,但是对这项技术的后续完善应该会使得可以利用的电子数量有所增加。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医用植入设备 一个甜美的想法

||1: LAST week the state of Washington began auctioning the licences to 167 of the liquor stores it runs. ||2: By June 1st Washington will be out of the liquor business altogether, freeing private businesses to sell spirits in the state for the first time since Prohibition. ||3: Last year, despite dire warnings about corporate profiteers, drunk drivers and surging policing costs, voters in the state approved the privatisation in a referendum by 59% to 41%.


||1: SOLAR energy is at a delicate, maybe historic, moment. ||2: The cost of the glassy photovoltaic panels that generate most solar electricity-by freeing electrons from a semiconducting material such as silicon-is plummeting. ||3: In the past four years their average cost has fallen by more than 75%. ||4: At less than $1 per watt of generating capacity, solar is now the cheapest power source in some sunny places, especially those, like India, that lack fossil-fuelled alternatives. ||5: This is starting to look like a revolution. ||6: Everyone who wants a reliable and nonpolluting energy supply, you would think, would welcome that.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太阳能关税 太阳黑子

But one of the most compelling advantages is freeing designers from the constraints of traditional production.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-3D印刷 印刷未来



属类:行业术语 -海运-



属类:行业术语 -海运-


1.(of a facility or piece of equipment) not occupied or in use.
‘the bathroom was free’
‘He recently overheard two children in one of the palace’s galleries saying to one another that maybe one of the workstations was free now and they could go back to it.’
2.(of a state or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government.
‘a free press’
‘The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of free government.’
3.(of a translation) conveying only the broad sense; not literal.
‘He also published occasional verses, satires, and a free translation from Virgil.’
‘These are themes which we are now very familiar with - and the production, with its very colloquial and rather free translation of the original, emphasises them too much in its wish to make the play ‘relevant’ to our times.’
4.(of literature or music) not observing the normal conventions of style or form.
‘The most obvious question here is if free verse is so ‘free’, then what will differentiate it from prose?’
‘The style is very free; there are no rhymes.’
5.(of power or energy) disengaged or available.
‘As the electrons are free to move they do so until they find positions where they feel no net force.’
‘But as there is no magnetic equivalent of the free electron, this is intuitively impossible.’
6.(of the wind) blowing from a favourable direction to the side or aft of a vessel.
‘We had the wind free, and were on port, so one needed at least two pairs of eyes in each boat!’
‘We had the wind free, a lightish air; but clouds of an inky blackness were beginning to arise, and at times it lightened without thunder.’
7.Able or permitted to take a specified action.
‘you are free to leave’
‘I’ve bought the CD, it belongs to me, I’m free to sell it on, throw it out, or give it away.’
8.Able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another.
‘I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free’
‘a free choice’
9.Denoting a linguistic form that can be used in isolation.
‘In other words, the domains in which a pronominal must be free are much more restricted than those in which an anaphor can be bound.’
‘In Swedish, the indefinite article is a free morpheme, whereas the definite article is a suffix to the noun.’
10.Denoting an ethnic or political group actively opposing an occupying or invading force, in particular the groups that continued resisting the Germans in the Second World War after the fall of their countries.
‘the Free Dutch, Free Polish, and Free Norwegian fleets’
‘The one thing which these rebels did have was an awareness of their legacy as free Americans.’
11.Frank or unrestrained in speech, expression, or action.
‘he was free in his talk of revolution’
‘Mrs S and I enjoy nothing more than a free and frank exchange of views.’
12.Given or available without charge.
‘free health care’
‘At the moment, cyclists need a free permit to use the towpaths.’
13.Not a slave.
‘the poor among the free men joined the slaves against the rich’
‘At the western end is the old burial ground for slaves and free blacks.’
14.Not bound in an atom, a molecule, or a compound.
‘the atmosphere of that time contained virtually no free oxygen’
‘What is left behind is not only very strong, but also contains very little free mercury.’
15.Not or no longer confined or imprisoned.
‘the researchers set the birds free’
‘police were forced to let him walk free’
16.Not physically obstructed or fixed.
‘he tried to kick his legs free’
‘she smiled, leaned back, and waved a free arm in the air’
17.Not subject to engagements or obligations.
‘she spent her free time shopping’
‘A number of major companies are not represented because their directors are not free that weekend.’
18.Not subject to or affected by (something undesirable)
‘our salsas are free of preservatives’
‘On release she was free from drugs and alcohol for the first time in years.’
19.Overfamiliar or forward.
‘Let’s just say he’s rather free with his hands, if you know what I mean.’
‘She spoke and listened to much free talk, such as one never would have thought the lips or ears of Rachel Castlewoods daughter would have uttered or heard.’
20.Using or expending something without restraint; lavish.
‘she was always free with her money’
‘Kirby had not been so free with her expressions of emotions since her mother passed away.’

1.With the sheets eased.
‘I kept her off the wind and sailing free until I had all square forward’
‘Make sure the sheets and halyards are clear and ready to run free as needed.’
2.Without cost or payment.
‘ladies were admitted free’
‘Child specialist, Dr H Raju, will treat these children free of cost every Tuesday.’

1.Make available for a particular purpose.
‘we are freeing management time for alternative work’
‘Supporters believe that this will free up resources to care for the environment and to ensure social progress.’
2.Release from confinement or slavery.
‘they were freed from jail’
‘All bar three of the captives were freed unharmed.’
3.Release from physical obstruction or restraint.
‘I had to tug hard and at last freed him’
‘she struggled to free herself from the tenacious mud’
4.Remove something undesirable or restrictive from.
‘his inheritance freed him from financial constraints’
‘free your body of excess tension’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。