

    名词复数:imaginations 词频:高频常用词
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    If newspapermen cannot get facts for their stories, they sometimes draw on(upon)their imaginations
    Their imaginations followed Lini avidly…to a park where trees and flowers were blooming
    Well-ordered words make good writing; well-ordered imaginations and emotions make good poetry; well-ordered facts make science.
    Scientists must be creative and use their imaginations time


    例句1. he had a very vivid imagination


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Of or relating to the imagination, or to a mental image. || Of or relating to the insect imago.
    Because the dorsal body wall develops from the wing imaginal disc, data on thoracic body wall patterning are available in Drosophila.
    Australian Aboriginal culture is about everything in the imaginal realm and everything in the natural environment.
    The easiest way of visualizing a leg imaginal disc is to think of it as a collapsed cone.
    Existing only in the imagination. || (mathematics) Having no real part; that part of a complex number which is a multiple of the square root of -1.
    He is famous for the low-down tactic of setting up imaginary, exaggerated villains and dangers, and then heroically shooting them down.
    having a lively or creative imagination || tending to be fanciful or inventive || false or imagined
    This major celebration of cinematic creativity old and new has a host of imaginative programmes.
    Disturbing images are powerfully etched with imaginative dynamics and piercing vocals.
    Cumbria Export Club is dedicating its next meeting to looking at how firms could boost exports by developing more imaginative ideas.
    Conceived or envisioned in the mind.
    They perceive imagined slights where none exist.
    Lacking an image
    The viewer spends an inordinate amount of time staring at a black, imageless screen, being occasionally jarred by the sound of the piano.
    Listening to radio via television is a curious experience as you stare blankly at an imageless blue screen while your ears do all the work.
    The girl looked around at the cave, noticing the imageless walls.

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To represent by an image or symbol; to portray. || (transitive) To reflect, mirror. || (transitive) To create an image of. || (computing) To create a complete backup copy of a file system or other entity.
    Close your eyes and image what your future could be like if you worked hard towards achieving your dreams.
    Our brochure will image an idealistic vacation at the resort which will entice potential customers to make an immediate reservation.
    The burnished chrome fixtures would image the jewelry store’s shimmering range.
    (transitive) To form a mental image of something; to envision or create something in one’s mind. || (transitive) To believe in something created by one’s own mind. || (transitive) To assume. || (transitive) To conjecture or guess. || (intransitive) To use one’s imagination. || (transitive, obsolete) To contrive in purpose; to scheme; to devise.
    Just forget about work for a moment and imagine yourself being on a beach with a Pina Colada.
    I imagine that Walter had his reasons for stuffing Dude’s briefcase with his dirty undies.
    Now imagine we’ve got two laser beams hitting the atom, one coming from the left, the other from the right.