例句1. an intimate friend of Picasso’s
例句2. the hotel has an intimate atmosphere
例句3. they divulged their intimate thoughts
例句4. he has an intimate knowledge of the coal industry
例句1. he intimated to the committee his decision to retire
形容词 变体/同根词
名词 变体/同根词
动词 变体/同根词
1.(of a place or setting) having a cosy and private or relaxed atmosphere.
‘an _intimate_ little Italian restaurant’
‘When he’s not traveling, which he does frequently, Henry can be found hanging out in the studio where the warm and _intimate_ setting is enhanced with the sounds of jazz.’
2.(of knowledge) detailed or thorough.
‘an _intimate_ knowledge of the software’
‘Let me ask you this, because you do have experience, _intimate_ knowledge of the country, its people.’
3.Closely acquainted; familiar.
‘ _intimate_ friends’
‘they are on _intimate_ terms’
4.Having a sexual relationship.
‘they plan to wait before becoming _intimate_ with one another’
‘I suppose the one reason why I am so anxious to make a decision is because the next person I want to be _intimate_ with has to care about me more than I care about them.’
5.Involving very close connection.
‘their _intimate_ involvement with their community’
‘That in itself might seem extraordinary, considering the _intimate_ connection between Dutch and Scottish painting, and the fact that the artist painted 3,000 pictures.’
6.Private and personal.
‘ _intimate_ details of his sexual encounters’
‘In still fewer cases will the ads disclose some of the most private, _intimate_ details of our personal feelings and sexual histories.’
1.A very close friend.
‘his circle of _intimates_ ’
‘Well, I was one of his friends, but I wasn’t one of his real _intimates_ .’
1.Imply or hint.
‘he had already _intimated_ that he might not be able to continue’
‘I leaned against her doorframe, swinging the book in my hand, saying good night several times until I was absolutely sure she wasn’t _intimating_ that I stay a little longer.’
2.State or make known.
‘Mr Hutchison has _intimated_ his decision to retire’
‘The Indian Paralympic Committee, which has _intimated_ his selection, has stated that being a voluntary organisation, it was not in a position to extend any financial help.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。