

    名词复数:irritants 词频:低频词

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    an irritant poison
    Dust in the eyes is an irritant.
    刺激的; 刺激物
    【医学】 【中医】
    The key for corporate America is to embrace the irritant, while the challenge for innovators is to turn irritation into inspiration.
    adj. 【计算机】

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who or that which irritates.
    The quality of being irritable.
    “I would to God that I, too, possessed the tender irritableness of unhandled sensibility.”
    the quality of being irritant or irritating || (law, Scotland) the state or quality of being null and void; invalidity
    “Safety tests include those for corrosivity, toxicity, irritancy and allergenicity.”
    “This is another test that measures irritancy by using pumpkin rind to simulate the effect of a test substance on human skin.”
    “The potent irritancy of the daphnane orthoester, resini feratoxin, exhibits features of a mixed aetiology.”
    Entertainment that annoys, embarrasses, or upsets more than or as much as it entertains, whether unintentionally or by design. || A media spectacle, particularly a scandal, that is simultaneously irritating and engrossing.
    “Because their volume interjects such an overwhelming ambiance to the party, make sure that your entertainers are the right ones. You want entertainment, not irritainment.”
    The state or quality of being irritable; quick excitability || (physiology) A natural susceptibility, characteristic of all living organisms, tissues, and cells, to the influence of certain stimuli, response being manifested in a variety of ways. || (medicine) A condition of morbid excitability of an organ or part of the body; undue susceptibility to the influence of stimuli.
    “But the sullenness, withdrawal and irritability are hard on those around them.”
    “Despite his quickness to irritability, he does have some redeeming qualities.”
    “Dr. Young has found that taking tryptophan can affect human social behavior, decreasing aggression, irritability and quarrelsomeness.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure. || (transitive) To introduce irritability or irritation in. || (intransitive) To cause or induce displeasure or irritation. || (transitive) To induce pain in (all or part of a body or organism). || (过时的,旧时用法) To render null and void.
    “Their loud voices were beginning to irritate me, and I could feel my headache sharpen.”
    “Air that is too dry can irritate the lining of your nose, throat, and sinuses.”
    “Antiseptics may actually irritate the wound or cause an allergic reaction.”