例句1. a momentary lapse of concentration’
例句2. his lapse into petty crime’
1.A brief or temporary failure of concentration, memory, or judgement.
‘a lapse of concentration in the second set cost her the match’
‘He doesn’t lose his cool as much as he used to, although he is prone to the occasional lapse of concentration after letting in a bad goal.’
2.A decline from previously high standards.
‘tracing his lapse into petty crime’
‘With such a high media profile, it’s remarkable how little attention is paid to Will’s double standards, ethical lapses and misstatements.’
3.An interval or passage of time.
‘there was a considerable lapse of time between the two events’
‘But there was a lapse from the incidence of the first attack to the discovery of the patch when your PC was vulnerable.’
4.The termination of a right or privilege through disuse or failure to follow appropriate procedures.
‘So far as they clearly thought this was a serious lapse which they describe as the Appellant abandoning his patient when her condition was still serious, their Lordships entirely agree.’
‘It was accepted by the respondent that his managerial performance exhibited regrettable lapses and the tribunal can only wholeheartedly agree.’
1.(of a right, privilege, or agreement) become invalid because it is not used, claimed, or renewed; expire.
‘he let his membership of CND lapse’
‘But the agreement had lapsed in July 1998 and it was possible to pass the file to the CPS.’
2.(of a state or activity) fail to be maintained; come to an end.
‘if your diet has lapsed it’s time you revived it’
‘The conversation lapsed and Bluemud took a large sip of tea while he had the chance.’
3.Cease to follow the rules and practices of a religion or doctrine.
‘many Christians in Britain have lapsed’
‘See I knew you were, listen, lapsed Catholics are the aristocracy of the earth.’
4.Pass gradually into (an inferior state or condition)
‘the country has lapsed into chaos’
‘Instead of dying in old age, the human being lapses into a coma and gradually shrinks to the size and condition of a fetus.’
5.Revert to (a previous or more familiar style of speaking or behaviour)
‘the girls lapsed into French’
‘She said it harshly and in anger, and then lapsed into infuriated silence.’
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