

例句1. minor structural alterations
例句2. a minor poet

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

She majored in English and minored in education.


Mr. Nauman has recently graduated from the University of Chicago where he majored in English Literature and minored in Teaching English as a Second Language.


With linguistics as my major, I minored in literature and French.


As I majored in Business Administration and minored in International Business, I can also work in some position dealing with management, marketing trade, and so on.


Mrs. Collins helped me understand that I had an ear for language, so in secondary school I studied French and minored in it in university.


I majored in English and minored French at my college.


I majored English and minored in French back in my college.



1.(following a surname in public schools) indicating the younger of two brothers.
‘Smith _minor_ ’
‘Smith _minor_ wasn’t quite seven then, and had only just been sent to school.’
2.(of a key or mode) based on a minor scale and tending to produce a sad or pensive effect.
‘Concerto in A _minor_ ’
‘Studies have proven that this system is clearly advantageous during the early stages of learning to sing in _minor_ keys.’
3.(of a premise) containing the minor term in a categorical syllogism.
‘But as with all syllogisms, the validity hinges on the major and _minor_ premises.’
‘Notice that the _minor_ premise of the syllogism above is only marginally contingent upon historical analysis.’
4.(of a scale) having intervals of a semitone between the second and third degrees, and (usually) the fifth and sixth, and the seventh and eighth.
‘The fingering chart provided on page 111 fails to identify the _minor_ scale form being illustrated.’
‘Yet by bar 3, where the two basic scale-motifs are concatenated to form five notes of an A _minor_ scale, the tonality is in doubt.’
5.(of a term) occurring as the subject of the conclusion of a categorical syllogism.
‘where P, S, and M are the major, _minor_ , and middle terms of the syllogism.’
6.(of an interval) characteristic of a minor scale and less by a semitone than the equivalent major interval.
‘the E flat clarinet sounds a _minor_ third higher than the written notes’
‘If a major interval is made a half step smaller without changing its numerical name, it becomes a _minor_ interval.’
7.Lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance.
‘she requested a number of _minor_ alterations’
‘Another, about 20 percent of patients, will develop _minor_ depression.’

1.A minor key, interval, or scale.
‘Themes initially stated in the major mode recur more strongly in the _minor_ .’
‘Each major key is followed by its parallel _minor_ .’
2.A minor term or premise.
‘This is called the fallacy of the illicit _minor_ .’
‘I prove the _minor_ , because your father is known by you and your father is the one approaching; hence, the one approaching is known by you.’
3.A person under the age of full legal responsibility.
‘the court would take account of the _minor_ ’s wishes’
‘Yet, four centuries on, we are told that smoking among _minors_ , especially young girls, is on the increase.’
4.A small drab moth which has purplish caterpillars that feed on grass.
‘ _Minors_ and Rustics are extremely small and are often mistaken for micro moths, especially Pyralids.’
‘Some _Minors_ also fly in sunshine.’
5.A student’s subsidiary subject or course.
‘a _minor_ in American Indian studies’
‘He started college with the intent of majoring in soil science, with _minors_ in horticulture and arboriculture.’
6.A system of change-ringing using six bells.
‘Other terms for even numbers of bells include _Minor_ (6 bells), Major (8 bells), Royal (10 bells) and Maximus (12 bells).’
‘We ring whatever people ask for including Stedman Doubles, Crayford _Minor_ and Norwich Surprise _Minor_ .’
7.short for minor suit
‘a bid of two no trumps shows strength in the _minors_ ’
‘After a transfer into a _minor_ , the opener bids the shown _minor_ if he has at least high-honor-third in the suit.’
8.The minor leagues in baseball or American football.
‘Salinas was one of six teams in the _minors_ ’
‘He was able to get used to the pressure as a closer in college and the _minors_ instead of training for the job as a starter.’

1.Study as or qualify in a subsidiary subject at college or university.
‘Clark had _minored_ in Animal Science’
‘‘It was just something that was very personal to me,’ says Johnson, who’s double-majoring in pre-med and history and _minoring_ in Jewish studies.’

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