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    1 别扫大家的兴 Don’t be such a spoil-sport

    2 鬓若刀裁 The hair above his temples was as sharply outlined as if cut with a knife.

    3 但请放心. Set your mind at rest.

    4 得意浓时易接济 In affluence,charity is freely dispensed

    5 都道是金玉良姻 Well-matched,all say,the gold and the jade

    6 假作真时真亦假 When false is taken for true,true becomes false

    7 离合岂无缘? Partings and reunions are decreed by fate

    8 世事洞明皆学问 A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge

    9 厮配得才貌仙郎 She is matched with a talented and handsome husband

    10 遂忙道谢应允. She promptly accepted with thanks

    11 他是没笼头的马 He’s like a horse without a halter

    12 一为送妹待选 First,to escort his sister there for the selection

    13 自古穷通皆有定 From of old good luck and bad have been predestined

    14 坐山观虎斗 Sit on a hill to watch tigers fight

    15 座上珠玑昭日月 Pearls on the dais outshine the sun and moon

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