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    1 磁阻式步进电动机通用技术条件 Variable reluctance stepping motor,general specification for

    2 地铁直流牵引供电系统 D.C.traction power supply system for subway

    3 青饲料收获机试验方法 Test methods for forage harvester

    4 塑料薄膜透气性试验方法 Test method for gas permeability of plastic film

    5 塑料拉伸性能试验方法 Plastics--Determination of tensile properties

    6 塑料力学性能试验方法总则 Plastics--General rules for the test method of mechanical properties

    7 塑料线膨胀系数测定方法 Determination for coefficient of linear expansion of plastics

    8 塑料压缩性能试验方法 Plastics--Determination of compressive properties

    9 小型汽油机振动测试方法 Measuring method of vibration for small gasoline engine

    10 小型汽油机振动评级 Evaluation of vibration for small gasoline engine

    11 悬丝磁力仪通用技术条件 General purpose specification of filar suspension magnetometer

    12 玉米水分测定法 Method for determination of moisture content in maize

    13 振动入侵探测器 Vibration intrusion detectors

    14 中小功率柴油机振动评级 Evaluation of vibration for small and medium power diesel engines

    15 装载机的作用力和倾翻载荷的测量方法 Loaders-Methods of measuring tool forces and tipping loads
