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芒果街上的小屋|The House on Mango Street

Chapter 11 The boys and girls 1

属类: 双语小说 【分类】世界名著 -[作者: 桑德拉-希斯内罗丝] 阅读:[12846]
Chapter 11 The boys and girls 1
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男孩和女孩生活在不同的世界。男孩在他们的天地里,我们在我们的天地里。比如我的弟弟们。在家里,他们有很多话跟我和蕾妮说。可是到了外面,他们就不能被人家看见和女孩说话。卡洛斯和奇奇是彼此最要好的朋友…… 不是我们的。


The boys and the girls live in separate world. The boys in their universe and we in ours. My brothers for example. They’ve got plenty to say to me and Nenny inside the house. But outside they can’t be seen talking to girls. Carlos and Kiki are each other’s best friend…not ours.




Nenny is too young to be my friend. She’s just my sister and that was not my fault. You don’t pick your sisters, you just get them and sometimes they come like Nenny.
