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芒果街上的小屋|The House on Mango Street

Chapter 34 The First Job|Chapter 34 The First Job

属类: 双语小说 【分类】世界名著 -[作者: 桑德拉-希斯内罗丝] 阅读:[12856]
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In my job I had to wear white gloves.I was supposed to match negatives with their prints,just look at the picture and look for the same one on the negative strip, put it in the envelope, and do the next one.That`s all. I didn`t know where these envelopes were coming from or where they were going.I just did what I was told.




It was real easy, and Iguess I wouldn`t have minded it except that you got tired after a while and I didn`t know if I could sit down or not,and then I started sitting down only when the two ladies next to me did. After a while they started to laugh and came up to me and said I could sit when I wanted to ,and I said I knew.
