
例句1. the demons from hell’
例句2. the man was a demon and he had hurt her to the depths of her being’
例句3. Surrey’s fast-bowling demon’

动词 变体/同根词

demons butter


-水利 - -

ifadded demons


-经贸 - -

if added demons


-计算机 - -

if needed demons


-计算机 - -

if removed demons


-计算机 - -

The “Saozhou (Broom)Dance”, with three to four men and women holding brooms to clean the house of the dead while dancing, is said to clear the evils and drive away demons .


Was pursued by the demons of lust and greed.


The high stern castle was a riot of carved gods, demons , knights, kings, warriors, mermaids, cherubs; and zoomorphic animal shapes ablaze with red and gold and blue, symbols of courage, power, and cruelty, were portrayed to stir the imaginations of the superstitious sailors of the day.


Dong, the master, Must have been taught in heaven. Demons come from the deep pine-wood and stealthily listen


Non-rigid Medical Image Registration Based on Improved Demons Algorithm


Next door, Ed faced different demons


Preface to the Secret Skills for Subduing Demons from the Nine Elders’ Newly-Carved Magical Seals of the Numinous Treasure’s Pure Brightness


The high stern castle was a riot or carved gods, demons , knights, kings, warriors, mermaids, cherubs


Imperial Sovereign Saint Guan, Great Emperor Who Defeats the Demons of the Three Realms, and Heavenly Lord Known from Afar for His Divine Power


Tianpeng’s Highest Clarity Ritual for Defeating Demons


During the ten-year internal chaos (1966~1976), the outspoken professor was confined in a house where the so-called “monsters and demons ” were held and was deprived of personal freedom


In the fray his sons attend him,--Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear,--also his sister Eris, or Discord (the mother of Strife), his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons


His cry was answered by a yell and a laugh from the wood, as tauntingly exulting as if fifty demons were uttering the blasphemies at the fall of some Christian soul


They continue to set foot on the way to the West, which is full of dangers, hardships, as well as demons and ghosts.


They lived and died in the wild woods, hairy as demons , or sometimes leafy


He claims to be able to drive our demons


Are we hearing only the voices of those of us who’re simply intense (as opposed to truly creative), who’re still sorting out our inner demons ?


Through it all we worked like demons with the wild exhilaration of despair, for even despair can exhilarate


Dealings with or worship of the devil or demons ;sorcery.


The “Battle Dance” defeats demons to protect the religious power, etc.


He fully shared the opinion of those extreme minds which attribute to human law I know not what power of making, or, if the reader will have it so, of authenticating, demons , and who place a styx at the base of society


It was a howl-a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell, conjointly from the throats of the damned in their agony and of the demons that exult in the damnation


Good Italy, Bad Italy: Why Italy Must Conquer Its Demons to Face the Future. By Bill Emmott.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-路还长 Long life

||1:Memories were his wealth, he told interviewers in his old age.||2:He so loved the game that almost all of them were good; he needed no more.||3:He still regretted missing the first penalty kick against France in the London Olympics, and turning down the chance of taking the second penalty because he was afraid of missing again.||4:It still rankled that India had not gone to the 1950 World Cup in Brazil, with him as captain, because the Indian Football Federation had not realised its importance.||5:He was sorry, too, that India was not even doing well in the Asian games.||6:But he lived in hope of a return of national footballing confidence.||7:No, he was not religious, he would say with a smile.||8:But he kept a picture of Goddess Kali, barefoot conqueror of demons , tucked away in his pocket.

||1:回忆是他的财富,他在晚年接受采访时这样说道。||2:他太热爱足球了,在他眼里足球的一点一滴都是好的;他有了足球心满意足。||3:不过他仍然后悔在奥运会上错失对法国队的点球,也后悔因为害怕再次失手而不敢面对第二次点球机会。||4:作为队长,心痛的还有看着印度退出1950年的巴西世界杯,因为印度足协对世界杯的重要性不以为然。||5:他也为印度在亚运会上也黯然失色感到遗憾。||6:但是他还是心存希望,希望有朝一日印度足球重整旗鼓。||7:当被问到是否信教时,他会微笑地说,不。||8:但是他会把迦梨女神(Goddess Kali)的照片妥帖地珍藏在衣袋里。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人

||1:Mr Nightingale is right to point out that segregation can exist without a formal regime.||2:But he surely underestimates the difference between a country like the United States, where the disadvantaged have legal and political tools at their disposal, and apartheid South Africa where no such tools were available.||3:So powerful is his belief in a handful of “master narratives” that he sometimes shoehorns facts to fit his theories.||4:The demons which haunt his universe are imperial elites, property markets (which he imagines as a causal④agency, not an instrument) and racial ideologies.||5:All of these factors, he believes, operate in a “top-down” and often co-ordinated way to advance the interests of the powerful and marginalise weaker groups.


||1:Mr Hoskins and his wife suffered their own tragedy in Congo; one of their twins was stillborn, the other died before she was two.||2:He admits his work presents emotional challenges.||3:But he is not overly sentimental.||4:He writes about criminology, how the police deal with the media and the perverted beliefs behind the crimes.||5:Much of the book is about kindoki.||6:Mr Hoskins understands this as a benign affliction treated with a potion of plant extracts from a nganga, a traditional healer.||7:But there is a growing trend of pastors in new revivalist Christian churches, both in Africa and Britain, preaching a different, malevolent kind of kindoki.||8:They convince parents that their children are possessed by demons which must be exorcised through isolation, fasting and beatings.||9:Gullible and desperate believers, who consider their pastors to be “little Gods”, will pay good money for them to cure this malady.

||1:在刚果,霍斯金斯夫妇自己也惨遭了不幸;双胞胎中的一个是死胎,而另一个在两岁前死亡。||2:他承认在他的作品中带给了读者情感上的挑战。||3:但他并没有过度感伤。||4:他写到犯罪学,警察怎样与媒体周旋,怎样应对罪行背后扭曲的信仰。||5:书的大部分是关于kindoki (非洲巫术手册)。||6:霍斯金斯先生把这认为是一种较为仁慈的折磨,用从 nganga(刚果哺果苏木)中提取的植物药剂治疗,这是一种传统治疗物。||7:但在非洲及英国,复兴基督教会的牧师有增加的趋势,布道一种不同的、恶毒的kindoki。||8:他们使得父母们相信自己的孩子被魔鬼蛊惑,必须通过隔离、禁食和鞭打才能除怪。||9:这些将他们的牧师当做“小神”的绝望而易受骗的信徒们,就会付出很多的钱给他们以治愈这种疾病。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦巫术 激情犯罪

||1:The result is a dark carnival of theatrical effects, which is demanding, sometimes overwhelming, only occasionally misfiring.||2:Like readers of the book, some members of the audience may yearn for more of the comic demons , in particular the giant, lecherous cat.||3:But the overall impact highlights the novel’s underlying themes: the hypocrisy of many but compassion of some; the way craven people get the callous rulers they deserve, yet now and then rise to a nobility that deserves better.


Eudaimonia is Greek and translates literally to “having good demons . ”


The term “nightmare” originally applied to demons that sought to suffocate their sleeping prey.


“The Gospel is clear on that, too. Woe to you on whom the evil demons act. ”



‘The gods of the world are having trouble keeping the demons at bay, and so they come up with a last-ditch scheme - to resurrect a dead hero.’
2.A cruel, evil, or unmanageable person.
‘I was a little demon, I can tell you’
‘You are just hiding your true feelings; you hate us, you think we are evil wicked demons from hell here to rip you to shreds.’
3.A forceful or skilful performer of a specified activity.
‘a friend of mine is a demon cook’
‘Can this demon conductor possibly be pried away from his beloved Kirov Opera in St. Petersburg and tied permanently to New York?’
4.A police officer.
‘Demons were flown up from the south to make enquiries.’
‘I only wish I had one of them button-hole cameras you see advertised - the demons use them I believe.’
5.A powerful, often destructive compulsion or obsession.
‘he is plagued by demons which go back to his childhood’
‘Both men were driven by powerful inner demons, throughout their childhood and into adulthood.’
6.An evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
‘he was possessed by an evil demon’
‘each of the damned souls was guarded by a group of hideous demons’
7.Reckless mischief; devilry.
‘his eyes are bursting with pure demon’
‘So how odd that Howard should invest so much time and political capital in building a whole speech round this non-existent demon.’
8.Something very insidious and harmful.
‘the demons of injustice, bigotry, and exploitation’
‘the demon drink’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。