

例句1. he acceded to his master’s wishes
例句2. he’s a master of disguise
例句5. the geography master

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

"Master Kang" fast-cooking spaghetti (instant noodles)


Ah Q looks idiotic before Master Zhao.


Take the master and make 20 copies by tomorrow.


Peter denied his Master .


ExhiBit enough stamina to master English


No, I wasn’t. But I was the editor of the Harvard paper. are you going to study for your master ’s degree?


master record for the production of gramophone records


The successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images


The master of a large tea plantation.


The first mate was studying to become a master .


A great poet is a master melody.


Mr.Davies is our maths master .


Du fu was the renowned master of Chinese poetry.


It is necessary to master Marxist theory and apply it, master it for the sole purpose of applying it.


Russian is a difficult language to master .


Where is the master of the house?


The master -degree student is giving an oral defence of his thesis.


Executive Master of Business Administration [Hong Kong University of Science and Technology]


Master of Business Administration (Chinese)[Open University of Hong Kong]


A dog follows its master .


The dog sat alongside the master .


The servant reported to his master that there was no trace of the thief.


The conference will be in Washington; then I’ll be going to visit MIT where I got my master ’s degree five years ago.


When the goods have been loaded, you can get the Bill of Lading signed by the master of the vessel.


A cabinet maker must be a master craftsman.


She’s a master chess player.


She learned to master her anger.


Money is a good servant but a bad master .


Rembrandt was a master of painting.


The dog panted along behind its master ’s horse.


Multiple Access Shared-Time Executive Routine (缩写:master)


属类:IT行业 -电脑术语-缩写词


1.Denoting a person skilled in a particular trade and able to teach others.
‘a _master_ bricklayer’
‘You don’t need to be a _master_ carpenter, but some basic skills and basic tools are necessary.’
2.Having or showing very great skill or proficiency.
‘you don’t have to be a _master_ chef in order to cook meat properly’
‘a heart-warming story from a _master_ storyteller’
3.Main; principal.
‘the apartment’s _master_ bathroom has a free-standing oval bathtub’
‘A circular whirlpool tub takes spotlight in the splendid _master_ bathroom, facing the huge walk-in shower.’

1.(in England and Wales) an official of the Supreme Court.
‘A _master_ of the B.C. Supreme Court dismissed both these applications.’
‘All the judges and _masters_ who have heard this say you are wrong and it seems to me that they are right.’
2.(in some sports) a class for competitors over the usual age for the highest level of competition.
‘At issue was a possible protest at the club where the _Masters_ will be played next April.’
‘He led the _Masters_ that year as well, but so far this season has missed the cut in both the _Masters_ and US Open.’
3.A great artist or musician.
‘follow in the footsteps of the _masters_ and paint in locations made famous by their work’
‘They were consummate musicians and _masters_ of their instruments, and the listener is in very good hands with these gentlemen.’
4.A machine or device directly controlling another.
‘a _master_ cylinder’
‘The _master_ and slave devices are connected by a single address bus, a write data bus and a read data bus.’
5.A male head of a household.
‘the _master_ of the house’
‘He is a father, a _master_ of household, a countryman, and hence a consummate member of a community.’
6.A male schoolteacher.
‘the games _master_ ’
‘All the cricketing vices for which prep school _masters_ rebuke their charges were there.’
7.A man in charge of an organization or group.
‘It’s more like playing the game _masters_ in a massive continuous role-playing session.’
‘Success depends on an identity of goals between soldiers and their political _masters_ , and a clear chain of command.’
8.A man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves.
‘he acceded to his _master_ ’s wishes’
‘The third type of government in the household is that of the lord over his slaves and the _master_ over his servants…’
9.A person who has complete control of something.
‘he was _master_ of the situation’
‘But for the Prime Minister, usually the great _master_ of these situations, it was close to a disaster.’
10.A person who holds a second or further degree.
‘a _master_ ’s degree’
‘a _Master_ of Arts’
11.A postgraduate degree.
‘I had a _master_ ’s in computer engineering’
‘Vaughn is currently in graduate school pursuing a _master_ ’s in business administration.’
12.A ship or boat with a specified number of masts.
‘a three- _master_ ’
‘Technically speaking, a three _master_ is a full-rigged ship.’
13.A skilled practitioner of a particular art or activity.
‘I’m a _master_ of disguise’
‘Both have great natural charisma and both are _masters_ at telling a story in the ring.’
14.A title for a man of high rank or learning.
‘The same year there came into England _Master_ John, a Scot by nation, a man of an apprehensive mind and of singular eloquence.’
15.A very strong chess player, especially one who has qualified for the title at international tournaments.
‘a chess _master_ ’
‘Many of the greatest _masters_ have recommended that chess should be studied from the endgame.’
16.An original recording, film, or document from which copies can be made.
‘the _master_ tape’
‘Much less, don’t be offended if they take the _master_ tapes home and record over them.’
17.The captain of a merchant ship.
‘He was now the _master_ of three ships and employed over two-dozen individuals.’
‘Long ago _masters_ of ships found it comforting to find such beacons of light in the darkness.’
18.The head of a college or school.
‘The rogue gave the _master_ of the college as referee, but in view of his story, the bank opened the account and collected the cheque without making enquiries.’
‘He held the regius chair of Greek at Oxford for nearly 40 years and was _master_ of Balliol College for more than 20 years.’
19.The owner of a dog, horse, or other domesticated animal.
‘in many ways dogs reflect the styles of their _masters_ ’
‘The horse turned his head, regarding his _master_ with confused eyes.’
20.The person in control of a pack of hounds.
‘the _master_ of the Aylesbury Vale Hunt’
‘He said: ‘I have already had two fox hounds _masters_ on the phone today to say it’s a shabby deal.’’
21.The presiding officer of a livery company or Masonic lodge.
‘The _master_ ’s lodge is also scheduled for a makeover, likely to cost £500,000.’
‘This is an annual event, which is the result of what is considered to be the _master_ of the lodge’s annual charity appeal.’
22.The title of the heir apparent of a Scottish viscount or baron.
‘By tradition the heir apparent or indeed the heir presumptive to a Scottish peerage title is traditionally known as ’The _Master_ of’, or if the heir happened to be female as the ’The Mistress of’.’
‘In Scotland many eldest sons are entitled to the designation of _Master_ .’
23.Used as a title prefixed to the name of a boy not old enough to be called ‘Mr’
‘ _Master_ James Wishart’
‘Bronte depicts young _Master_ John Reed as virtually a paradigm of the Victorian bad boy, wallowing in gluttony, sadism, and a host of other deadly sins.’

1.Acquire complete knowledge or skill in (a subject, technique, or art)
‘I never _mastered_ Latin’
‘Without _mastering_ the basic techniques before adding new ones, it’s impossible to really practise well.’
2.Gain control of; overcome.
‘I managed to _master_ my fears’
‘The good news is that once you _master_ your emotions, you can gain an edge.’
3.Make a master copy of (a film or recording)
‘all records are now being _mastered_ and manufactured for us in the Netherlands’
‘The Dolby Digital sound is well _mastered_ free of any distortion or hiss while the voices stay focused in the front channel.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。