

    音标:[ɪ'nækt] 现在分词:enacting
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    as by law enacted
    1. 制定(法律);颁布(法案),2. 上演;扮演(角色)
    v. 【法律专业】
    颁布 ,通过,制定
    Campaign finance reform is also the first hurdle for any health-care legislation.Lyndon Johnson was the only President with the political strength and savvy to drive major health reform through Congress.But he had to pay the private pipers to enact it.

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who enacts.
    “He appeared in a 1930 production of Shakespeare’s Othello, eventually being recognized as the definitive enactor of the tragic Moor.”
    “The two unlikely and show-stealing turns come in Kris Kristofferson’s haunted enactor of justice, and Keira Knightley’s burned out piece of emotionally orphaned wreckage.”
    One who enacts.
    The process of enacting something.
    “The work combines Latin and English liturgical texts and medieval poetry, with a dramatic enaction of the Passion story.”
    “The crucial thing for an historian about nightmares and dreams more generally is that they are a form of social enaction.”
    “I think what councils have to do is consider the needs of young people with the enaction of this bill, which I do support.”
    The act of enacting, or the state of being enacted. || (law) A piece of legislation that has been properly authorized by a legislative body.
    “Though the theatrical gesticulations seemed slightly complicated to the uninitiated, the enactment was explicit.”
    “That means that a resource consent is not an enactment or rule of law that would prohibit the exercise of a customary right.”
    “The commission shall expire five years after the date of enactment of this act.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “When it is consonant with the covenant identity, then the meal practice also properly enacts and proclaims Jesus’ death.”
    “Laid by Hickman in a silk-lined coffin with a hidden breathing tube, Bliss enacts phony resurrections for the gullible public.”
    “In appropriating reproductive power without women, it enacts an appropriation of maternity by patriarchy.”
    “In the United States, several states have already enacted genetic privacy laws.”
    “A special law was enacted to make such abductions a capital offence, punishable by hanging.”
    “Following the disallowance by the proprietors, a new slave code, again based on Barbadian principles, was enacted in 1696.”