

例句1. elementary education should be free’
例句2. she was free of any pressures’

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

The Way to Realize the Tactics of VPN Gateway through FreeS /WAN


The HUD frees up your eyes, while the bluetooth-enabled mobile phone, which permits you to receive calls through a hotkey on the steering wheel without holding the phone, frees up both your hands.

HUD 解放了驾驶者的“双眼”, Bluetooth 车载蓝牙电话系统则彻底解放了驾驶者的“双手” -- 该系统让您无须手持电话,仅通过方向盘快捷键即可接听

She was also given amino acid preparations and fluid with frees-dry human blood plasma.


Bean and fruit jelly, with cool, fragrant and sweet taste, frees you from the summer heat.


Travel frees us from provinciality.


sterilization is a treatment that frees the treated object of all living organisms


Anthropology Frees My Soul-An Interview with Anthropologists (35)


The soft and comfortable spring mattress frees you from fatigue.


The Three Frees ; i.e. to free our minds from the shackles of the outdated notions; practices and systems; to free from the erroneous and dogmatic interpretations of Marxism; and to free from the fetters of subjectivism and metaphysics.


Heaven and earth join, and gentle rain falls, beyond the command of anyone, evenly upon all. When civilization arose, names began. With names, one should know when to stop. Knowing when to stop, frees one from danger.


The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law,whether scriptural,civil,or moral,and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace.


A day frees from wind


When this happens, the warp tension will increase, and the pick-spacing will be closer than normal until the roller frees itself.


This management-by-exception approach frees managers from an unnecessary concern with those operations that conform to plan.


A stainless steel vacuum thermos cup, a good companion on business trips, frees you from inconvenience.


The hand has great mobility and flexibility to carry out precise movements. Bipedal locomotion in humans frees the hands for grasping and manipulation.


||1:Beyond the pandemic, American women face two problems that licensed midwives can help with.||2:First, America is one of only 13 countries where the maternal mortality rate increased between 2000 and 2017, putting it in the august company of Venezuela and Syria.||3:The risk of dying during childbirth can be exacerbated by a lack of trust between patients and health workers.||4:In America that is especially true for black women, who die from pregnancy-related complications at more than three times the rate that white women do.||5:Midwives cannot perform complex surgery or deliver babies for women with certain chronic health problems.||6:But they can support low-risk women through labour.||7:That frees doctors to do the harder stuff.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-疫情使美国产妇做出新选择(2) -

However, SDRS do not have to be used to be useful. Their very presence on balance-sheets frees up dollars.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由兑换——特快专递(2) -

Miles travelled per person might also rise, since self-driving technology frees passengers to use travel time for work or sleep.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由交流:“无人驾驶”带来巨大商机(1 -

“The trigger, ” Tyler said, “frees the hammer, and the hammer strikes the powder. ”


Krantz finally frees himself from the handcuffs, only to be arrested by a team of cops who have just arrived.


“The power of human empathy, ” she said, “saves lives, and frees prisoners. ”


Jindal’s emergency declaration is a precaution that frees up state resources for any emergency situations.


The Nike Frees are designed with minimal cushioning, but still have a traditional toe box, instead of the “fingers” of Vibrams.


The fact that NIN are not tied to a record label frees them to experiment with such new ideas.


A ROLLBACK also frees resources held by the transaction.


However, if no connection frees up in time, the connection request trips an InvalidOperationException.


This heap monitors the lifetime of objects and frees them only when no part of the program references the objects.


This option frees space, but risks possible data loss.


This threshold is dynamic because the Database Engine dynamically acquires and frees memory to adjust for varying workloads.



1.(of a facility or piece of equipment) not occupied or in use.
‘the bathroom was _free_ ’
‘He recently overheard two children in one of the palace’s galleries saying to one another that maybe one of the workstations was _free_ now and they could go back to it.’
2.(of a state or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government.
‘a _free_ press’
‘The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of _free_ government.’
3.(of a translation) conveying only the broad sense; not literal.
‘He also published occasional verses, satires, and a _free_ translation from Virgil.’
‘These are themes which we are now very familiar with - and the production, with its very colloquial and rather _free_ translation of the original, emphasises them too much in its wish to make the play ‘relevant’ to our times.’
4.(of literature or music) not observing the normal conventions of style or form.
‘The most obvious question here is if _free_ verse is so ‘ _free_ ’, then what will differentiate it from prose?’
‘The style is very _free_ ; there are no rhymes.’
5.(of power or energy) disengaged or available.
‘As the electrons are _free_ to move they do so until they find positions where they feel no net force.’
‘But as there is no magnetic equivalent of the _free_ electron, this is intuitively impossible.’
6.(of the wind) blowing from a favourable direction to the side or aft of a vessel.
‘We had the wind _free_ , and were on port, so one needed at least two pairs of eyes in each boat!’
‘We had the wind _free_ , a lightish air; but clouds of an inky blackness were beginning to arise, and at times it lightened without thunder.’
7.Able or permitted to take a specified action.
‘you are _free_ to leave’
‘I’ve bought the CD, it belongs to me, I’m _free_ to sell it on, throw it out, or give it away.’
8.Able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another.
‘I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be _free_ ’
‘a _free_ choice’
9.Denoting a linguistic form that can be used in isolation.
‘In other words, the domains in which a pronominal must be _free_ are much more restricted than those in which an anaphor can be bound.’
‘In Swedish, the indefinite article is a _free_ morpheme, whereas the definite article is a suffix to the noun.’
10.Denoting an ethnic or political group actively opposing an occupying or invading force, in particular the groups that continued resisting the Germans in the Second World War after the fall of their countries.
‘the _Free_ Dutch, _Free_ Polish, and _Free_ Norwegian fleets’
‘The one thing which these rebels did have was an awareness of their legacy as _free_ Americans.’
11.Frank or unrestrained in speech, expression, or action.
‘he was _free_ in his talk of revolution’
‘Mrs S and I enjoy nothing more than a _free_ and frank exchange of views.’
12.Given or available without charge.
‘ _free_ health care’
‘At the moment, cyclists need a _free_ permit to use the towpaths.’
13.Not a slave.
‘the poor among the _free_ men joined the slaves against the rich’
‘At the western end is the old burial ground for slaves and _free_ blacks.’
14.Not bound in an atom, a molecule, or a compound.
‘the atmosphere of that time contained virtually no _free_ oxygen’
‘What is left behind is not only very strong, but also contains very little _free_ mercury.’
15.Not or no longer confined or imprisoned.
‘the researchers set the birds _free_ ’
‘police were forced to let him walk _free_ ’
16.Not physically obstructed or fixed.
‘he tried to kick his legs _free_ ’
‘she smiled, leaned back, and waved a _free_ arm in the air’
17.Not subject to engagements or obligations.
‘she spent her _free_ time shopping’
‘A number of major companies are not represented because their directors are not _free_ that weekend.’
18.Not subject to or affected by (something undesirable)
‘our salsas are _free_ of preservatives’
‘On release she was _free_ from drugs and alcohol for the first time in years.’
19.Overfamiliar or forward.
‘Let’s just say he’s rather _free_ with his hands, if you know what I mean.’
‘She spoke and listened to much _free_ talk, such as one never would have thought the lips or ears of Rachel Castlewoods daughter would have uttered or heard.’
20.Using or expending something without restraint; lavish.
‘she was always _free_ with her money’
‘Kirby had not been so _free_ with her expressions of emotions since her mother passed away.’

1.With the sheets eased.
‘I kept her off the wind and sailing _free_ until I had all square forward’
‘Make sure the sheets and halyards are clear and ready to run _free_ as needed.’
2.Without cost or payment.
‘ladies were admitted _free_ ’
‘Child specialist, Dr H Raju, will treat these children _free_ of cost every Tuesday.’

1.Make available for a particular purpose.
‘we are _freeing_ management time for alternative work’
‘Supporters believe that this will _free_ up resources to care for the environment and to ensure social progress.’
2.Release from confinement or slavery.
‘they were _freed_ from jail’
‘All bar three of the captives were _freed_ unharmed.’
3.Release from physical obstruction or restraint.
‘I had to tug hard and at last _freed_ him’
‘she struggled to _free_ herself from the tenacious mud’
4.Remove something undesirable or restrictive from.
‘his inheritance _freed_ him from financial constraints’
‘ _free_ your body of excess tension’

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