

    音标:[ɡriːf] 现在分词:griefing
    过去式:griefed 过去分词:griefed
    名词复数:griefs 第三人称单数:griefs
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    形容词 变体/同根词

    Marked by grief; grievous
    Meronym’s griefsome face jus’ said, Nay, she’s too far gone I can’t do nothin’, an’ she kissed my sis’s forehead g’bye, walked back sadsome into the rain.
    Without grief; ungrieving.
    On the contrary, there was no other man in the city, we are bold to affirm, of so much as half his years, who enjoyed so many lightsome and griefless moments as himself.
    Marked by grief or grieving; grievous
    But for my part, I find it impossible to imagine a grief with no awareness of a grievesome event, exhausted entirely by bodily sensations.
    What hypocrites will be confronted with, in return for their hypocrisy, is a grievesome torment, both in this world and beyond.
    Causing grief, pain or sorrow. || Serious, grave, dire or dangerous.
    But what I did not hear were specific new solutions on how to solve this grievous lack of funding for health care in the largest local system in the nation.
    He survived in spite of suffering grievous injuries.
    Citizenship education is, at best, a sticking plaster applied to a grievous wound.
    The shy grieving mother who had faced the media in the days after James’s death was no more, and I was now a confident and knowledgeable campaigner.

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who grieves
    It can be comforting to the griever to know that you are not frightened away by his or her grief.
    Disenfranchised grief occurs when a relationship is not recognized, a loss is not recognized, and a griever is not recognized.
    A mourning symbol serves as a reminder to the rest of the world to treat a griever with a little more kindness, a little more patience.
    One who submits a grievance.
    The grievant, Magnolia Littles, was placed on a 90-day suspension after a payment approved by her turned out to be fraudulent.
    Show that you’re taking the grievance seriously, and do not succumb to any urge to attack the grievant or, for that matter, ARDC or its staff, presenters advise.
    Nonetheless, the arbitrator reinstated grievant without backpay.
    the quality or state of being grievous
    With the available data, the grievousness of the condition of the dugong population in the country was evident.
    The first two factors are the grievousness of the acts and the degree of malicious intent.
    In other words the PTAs need not use their discretion to decide on the grievousness of the complaint.
    One who is the object of a formal grievance.
    (derogatory) A great outpouring of grief in response to some public news event.

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To cause sorrow or distress to. || (transitive) To feel very sad about; to mourn; to sorrow for. || (intransitive) To experience grief. || (transitive, archaic) To harm. || (transitive) To submit or file a grievance (about).
    These memorials also offer an opportunity for people to grieve in their own way.
    The death of any innocent person should grieve us all.