imperil; imperilled; imperilling
例句1. a radiation leak would imperil life and health over a wide area
||1:THE public is losing faith in the American Dream, Mitch McConnell declared on the night that he won a sixth Senate term, amid an electoral wave that handed his Republican Party control of Congress.||2:Now begins a more important contest, Mr McConnell told Kentucky Republicans: the race to save the centuries-old “compact” that every American generation leaves the next one better off.||3:Mr McConnell declared that promise imperilled by “distant planners in federal agencies”, whether they are killing jobs in coal mines or—in their zeal to impose Obamacare—cancelling families’ health insurance plans.||4:The senator thanked his parents, survivors of the second world war, for passing their American optimism to him.||5:Now, in unhappy contrast, Mr McConnell says he sees “hurt” in the eyes of ordinary folk.
But creating enough dollars to satisfy the global demand for reserves imperilled the credibility of the dollar’s peg to gold.
The people of Scotland alone will decide the future of Britain, and they are not obliged to worry about what becomes of the state they would leave. But—perhaps not surprisingly, given the endurance and success of the union, imperilled though it is—Scots’ own interests, and the rest of Britain’s, coincide.
All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves.
1.Put at risk of being harmed, injured, or destroyed.
‘they advised against tax increases for fear of imperilling the recovery’
‘Allowing workers to divert some of this money into the stock market will not only put their retirement future at risk, it will imperil the federal government’s ability to keep its commitment to current retirees.’
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