

例句1. they have been interned without trial

形容词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

The state of being interned ;confinement.


One who is interned ;an internee.


They’re interned , you see, not detained


They interned belligerent ships in their harbour


After rumania joined the Axis in November 1940, he had been interned and eventually transferred through a neutral port to the United States


After reading the positive evaluations from my schoolmates who have previously interned with your company, I am definitely interested.


As soon as we set foot ashore, we’ll be arrested and interned


These solders were interned in a neutral country until the war was over


||1:She enjoyed her new life of luxury while it lasted, but she was no flibbertigibbet.||2:Soon after meeting the interned British officer, she was helping to get similar Allied airmen, refugees and escaped prisoners-of-war out of occupied France and into Britain.||3:She took a flat, ostensibly for a lover, in fact for the resistance, sheltered men on the run and became a crucial part of the southern escape line to Spain, travelling all over southern France from Nice to N?mes to Perpignan, with clothing, money and false documents.


||1:She enjoyed her new life of luxury while it lasted, but she was no flibbertigibbet.||2:Soon after meeting the interned British officer, she was helping to get similar Allied airmen, refugees and escaped prisoners-of-war out of occupied France and into Britain.||3:She took a flat, ostensibly for a lover, in fact for the resistance, sheltered men on the run and became a crucial part of the southern escape line to Spain, travelling all over southern France from Nice to Names to Perpignan, with clothing, money and false documents.


||1:CONVIVIAL, and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up a cocktail bar.||2:In the late 1940s, and again towards the end of her life, it might have been the American Bar of the Stafford Hotel, just across the road from The Economist’s offices in London.||3:In 1940, when she was living as a newlywed in Vichy France, it could have been another American Bar, this one in the H?tel du Louvre et de la Paix in Marseilles.||4:It was a chance encounter here with an English officer, interned by the French authorities but that day on parole, which led to her membership of the resistance, and then to her role as an agent of the British Special Operations Executive in occupied France.||5:Of the 39 SOE women infiltrated into France, 11 of whom would die in concentration camps, she was perhaps the most redoubtable.

||1:热衷于聚会派对,从不拒绝美酒的南希?威克经常出现在鸡尾酒会。||2:到她生命的最后一段时光也是如此,可能她就出现在伦敦《经济学家》杂志社办公大楼对面的斯塔福耶酒店的美国酒馆。||3:上世纪40年代时亦是如此,1940年她刚刚结婚,嫁到维希政权下的法国,那时她经常出现在另一家美国酒馆,在巴黎卢浮旅馆里或者在马赛和平旅馆里。||4:在那里,她很偶然地碰到一位被法国当局保释的在囚英国军官。 这位军官后来带领她加入了抵抗德国纳粹的运动中,也使她成为了英国特别行动处驻占领的法国的一位特工。||5:而在特别行动处39位渗入法国的女特工中,11名没有在德国纳粹集中营中丧生,而她也许是其中最令人敬畏的那个。

||1:Convivial, and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up a cocktail bar.||2:In the late 1940s, and again towards the end of her life, it might have been the American Bar of the Stafford Hotel, just across the road from The Economist’s offices in London.||3:In 1940, when she was living as a newlywed in Vichy France, it could have been another American Bar, this one in the H?tel du Louvre et de la Paix in Marseilles.||4:It was a chance encounter here with an English officer, interned by the French authorities but that day on parole, which led to her membership of the resistance, and then to her role as an agent of the British Special Operations Executive in occupied France.||5:Of the 39 SOE women infiltrated into France, 11 of whom would die in concentration camps, she was perhaps the most redoubtable.

||1:热衷于聚会派对,从不拒绝美酒的南希·威克经常出现在鸡尾酒会。||2:到她生命的最后一段时光也是如此,可能她就出现在伦敦《经济学家》杂志社办公大楼对面的斯塔福耶酒店的美国酒馆。||3:上世纪40年代时亦是如此,1940年她刚刚结婚,嫁到维希政权下的法国,那时她经常出现在另一家美国酒馆,在巴黎卢浮旅馆里或者在马赛和平旅馆里。||4:在那里,她很偶然地碰到一位被法国当局保释的在囚英国军官。 这位军官后来带领她加入了抵抗德国纳粹的运动中,也使她成为了英国特别行动处驻占领的法国的一位特工。||5:而在特别行动处39位渗入法国的女特工中,11名没有在德国纳粹集中营中丧生,而她也许是其中最令人敬畏的那个。

||1: That was because, in 1978-79, he had been made to paint quite different pictures. In those months he was interned in S-21 prison, a former French lycée in Phnom Penh which had been converted into a torture-compound for alleged enemies of the Khmer Rouge regime. ||2: Perhaps 14,000 people were sent to S-21 for a daily routine of electrocution, water-boarding and flagellation before being carted off for execution—a shovel or spade to the head—at the nearby “killing fields”. ||3: Mr Vann Nath was one of only six or seven prisoners to make it out alive.


In 1981, having become an activist for the Solidarity movement, he was briefly interned under martial law. He had known worse.


Lala was interned in a large stated-owned organization when she was a college student, who clearly knows what five-star hotel look like.


BONUS: HuffPost Front Page Editor Benjamin Hart, a GWU alum, interned for his congressman as an undergrad!


Students who interned as undergrads are more likely to be accepted to business school.


Their lives were spared but they were interned in various prison camps.


He had interned at a Fortune 500 company, and still felt like he was looking for something.


A Study on the Asymmetry of Information Resources on Interned


Both my parents during the war and my brother were interned by the Japanese for 3. 5 years in Weifang, in the Japanese War Camp.


Students have also interned at MTV, CNN and Disney World.


It wants Romanies to be interned and stripped of their citizenship unless they show that they want to accept social norms.


In the early 19th century Oxford ragwort escaped from the botanical garden where it had been interned .


The soldier was interned in a neutral country until the war was over.



1.A recent medical graduate receiving supervised training in a hospital and acting as an assistant physician or surgeon.
‘There are many other opportunities for the _intern_ , either pediatric or obstetric, or the family practice resident to gain skills in the intubation of larger infants.’
‘During her 11-year tenure, she conducted a very successful training program for dietetic _interns_ .’
2.A student or trainee who works, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification.
‘Maybe your manager can look into hiring a student _intern_ to be assigned the task of serving customers on the phone.’
‘And, it found an unexpected bonus - student _interns_ and workers.’

1.Confine (someone) as a prisoner, especially for political or military reasons.
‘the family were _interned_ for the duration of the war as enemy aliens’
‘He was _interned_ at Saughton Prison and his father and grandfather were transported to Canada on the Arandora Star.’
2.Serve as an intern.
‘But while _interning_ in Boston, he met another woman, spent a dinner and a night with her, and fell in love.’
‘I was lucky enough at 19 to spend a long summer of very late nights _interning_ at KMOX.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。