

例句1. a big, jolly woman

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

But it is more fun to go on jollies to Buenos Aires than to fix leaking pipes.


Bosses may stick a few modernist daubs on their boardroom walls. They may go on corporate jollies to the opera.


Guys always get the bad reputation for masturbating an obscene amount, but chicks definitely get their jollies too.


They may go on corporate jollies to the opera.



1.Happy and cheerful.
‘he was a _jolly_ man full of jokes’
‘Mykela was remembered as a _jolly_ little angel, full of life and mischief.’
2.Lively and entertaining.
‘we had a very _jolly_ time’
‘A pristine set - punctuated with _jolly_ crowd banter is what one comes to expect from Reuben, and they never fail to deliver.’

1.Very; extremely.
‘he is _jolly_ busy’
‘They were _jolly_ nice, and they’ve got this lilting kind of accent.’

1.A clinker-built ship’s boat that is smaller than a cutter, typically hoisted at the stern of the ship.
‘About the time I first noted reports of the Medas Isles in Diver in the late 1980s, I was on a corporate _jolly_ to Marbella on the Costa del Sol.’
‘Then the crew, minus the few who were to stand watch, piled into the _jolly_ boats to go ashore.’
2.A party or celebration.
‘these events were _jollies_ ’
‘some regard it as a bit of a _jolly_ ’

1.Encourage (someone) in a friendly way.
‘he _jollied_ people along’
‘they were trying to _jolly_ her out of her torpor’
2.Make someone or something more lively or cheerful.
‘ideas to _jolly_ up a winter’s party’
‘There was a time when his plain speaking was a joy to the ear but can’t you just _jolly_ it up a bit, Al?’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。