

    名词复数:likelies 词频:高频常用词
    比较级:likelier 最高级:likeliest
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    ①[ likely + to-inf, likely + that…][常作表语]很可能的;
    be likely to do sth
    An incident likely to lead to war is reported from X.
    Are we likely to arrive in time?
    It is not highly(very) likely that he will come so late. = He is not highly(very) likely to come so late.
    a likely excuse
    That`s a likely story!
    a likely field for maize(mushrooms)
    a likely place to fish
    What do you think is the likeliest(the most likely) time to find her at home?
    He`s the most likely(the likeliest) of the people who`ve asked for the job.
    a likely young man
    the most likely candidates
    the likely winner of the contest
    adj. 【计算机】
    a.1. 很可能的[+to-v][+that]2. 适当的,正合要求的[(+for)]ad.1. 很可能
    adj. 【化学】
    A teacher should be armed with answers to questions that his pupils are likely to ask.


    例句2. a more likely explanation for the slump can be found in the shaky financial structure of the club’


    例句3. Gone running has he? A likely story!’

    例句4. it was a likely place for a romantic-minded young girl to frequent’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference.
    “We are very alike.”
    Worthy of being liked; likeable.
    “None of your hatred should have prevented me, for I am a very likeworthy man.”
    Capable of being liked. || (of a person) Having qualities tending to result in being liked; friendly, personable.
    “While the recreations adequately portray the father of psychoanalysis they cannot make him likable.”
    “He is regarded as a solid thinker, someone of a likable disposition, and a good constitutionalist.”
    “He was confident but not cocky and very likable, in a puppy dog sort of way.”
    “The bigger the gap between rings, the better the growth, and the likelier that the weather that year was favourable.”
    “He said that it appeared likelier that the two sides would reach a compromise on the unresolved matters.”
    “In undertaking crime to support their drug habits, cocaine and heroin abusers become likelier than usual to be arrested.”
    (dialectal) alike, similar

    名词 变体/同根词

    Quality of liking something.
    同义词: likeability
    The property of being likable, that which makes likable.
    “Current-day Zen writers often seem to cloud their writing with an overlay demonstrating their likableness or they entangle themselves in a scholarly snarl.”
    “He hasn’t lost his charm, nor has his infectious likableness diminished, even 18 years after his original arrival.”
    (Internet) The malicious practice of tricking users of a social networking website into “liking” something they did not intend to like.
    (uncountable) The state or quality of being alike. || (countable) The result or product of being alike.
    The condition or quality of being probable or likely to occur. || Likelihood, probability or chance of occurrence; plausibility or believability. || Suitability; agreeableness. || Likeness; similarity.
    “Without doubt, our likeliness to share personal stories and anecdotes makes for close relationships which have their own rewards.”
    “Yet another problem is the high degree of likeliness that a defendant possibly subject to the death penalty if found guilty will be found guilty.”
    “A final possibility centres around a likeliness that exercise success here was more due to the presence of fun and enjoyment, than the use of distraction.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    to like (to have affection for)
    (transitive, followed by to or unto) To compare; to state that (something) is like (something else).
    “An old saying in China likens children to birds.”
    “Many liken him to a stern Victorian mill owner but there is a soft centre lurking within the hard exterior.”
    “We could be mean and liken it to one of the charity pantomime horses that trots over the finishing line eight hours after the marathon was won.”