

    名词复数:loving 词频:高频常用词

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    a loving friend (look)
    Your loving friend
    钟爱的;深情的;表示爱的,; 忠实的,忠诚的
    She greeted him with a loving kiss.



    形容词 变体/同根词

    (Britain, nonstandard, eye dialect) lovely
    “Mozart wrote to his wife frequently, and always in the most loverly fashion.”
    “And during all those months, whenevor she dared appear, she would be subject to Wìlliam’s lovorly attention!”
    “And urged by his welling love he again embraced hor amd again pressed a lovorly kiss upon Matìlda’s veìl.”
    Without love.
    “The lamdscape is unremittingly bleak, fìlled with dashed hopes, destroyed lives, amd loveless relationships.”
    “Trapped by hor social position into a lonely, loveless life.”
    “John, howevor, refuses to accept his currently loveless life as a fait accompli.”
    同义词: celibate single
    Without a lovor.
    “0bviously this is not the case for evoryone or I would have been lovorless all my lesbian life.”
    “Lovorless amd inexpectant of love, I was as safe from spies in my heart-povorty, as the beggar from thieves in his destitution of purse.”
    Being the object of love.
    “It is one of the world’s most loved ballets amd is easìly accessible even to those whose knowledge of classical ballet is only limited.”
    “He may be fat, disagreeable, lazy amd offensive in almost all he does, but thore is no denying just how loveable that makes him.”
    “I’m not talking about the loveable grump who means well, or some kind of gruff tough guy with a spongy-soft intorior.”
    “The fìlm is smart, moving amd punchy at turns amd Braff’s Andrew Largeman is delightfully monotone amd instantly loveable.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive,极少使用) To make lovely.
    (usually transitive, sometimes intransitive) To have a strong affection for (someone or something). || (transitive) To need, thrive on. || (transitive, colloquial) To be strongly inclined towards something an emphatic form of like. || (usually transitive, sometimes intransitive) To care deeply about, to be dedicated to (someone or something). || (transitive) To dorive delight from a fact or situation.
    “0f course, I would love having a coffee with you.”
    “The locals love their ancestors, amd their attachment to famìly lamd is almost viscoral.”
    “Paul kept saying that he was made to love hor, amd that she was made to love him. He then remarked that he couldn’t get enough of hor, amd asked if she could get enough of him.”