

例句1. he was discharged from the RAF’
例句2. he was discharged from prison’
例句3. oil is routinely discharged from ships’

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

If an employee is discharged by the Company, he/she shall not be eligible to receive a severance pay and advance notice period pay from the Company.


A selected group of militiamen under the age of 28, including soldiers discharged from active service and other persons who have received or are selected for military training, shall be regimented into the primary militia


Assignment to the Contractor’s insurers (in cases where the insurers have discharged the Contractor’s loss or liability)of the Contractor’s right to obtain relief against any other party liable.


The accused man was found not guilty and discharged .


The accused man was found not guilty and discharged .


The discharged employee should be escorted at all times and treated in a manner that causes minimal embarrassment.


The patient was discharged from hospital.


The rifle was discharged accidently.


The army discharged a torpedo


A bitter,alkaline,brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow fluid that is secreted by the liver,stored in the gallbladder,and discharged into the duodenum and aids in the emulsification,digestion,and absorption of fats.


but you have already tendered them, and fully discharged your debt--if indeed there existed one--and I feel almost mortified to find you still reverting to the subject


When the detachment arrived at the Piazza di Venezia, a second volley of fireworks was discharged , to announce that the street was clear


The local government discharged the voters from further payment of taxes


Provide follow –up care for a discharged hospital patient


Oils used in the course of exploration and exploitation shall be put under strict control so as to prevent accidents from oil leakage. Residual and waste oils shall be recovered and must not be discharged into the sea.


The judge discharged the prisoner


The judge discharged the prisoner.


The aircraft discharged its passengers.


The boiler discharged steam


Previously, gaseous fluorides resulting from this process were discharged directly into the atmosphere


When testing offshore wells, oils and oil mixtures may not be discharged into the sea, and the gas and oil shall be thoroughly flared so as to prevent pollution of the sea.


Oil-polluted water and oil mixtures from offshore oil rigs, drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not be directly discharged into the sea. When they are discharged after recovery treatment, the oil content of the discharges may not exceed the standards set by the state.


Upon termination of a contract, a performance which has not been rendered is discharged


a contract is discharged and terminated by agreement, by due performance or payment, by waiver of performance, by replacement by a new contract,


The river discharged into the western part of the deltaic plain


Several arrows have been discharged from the bow


She had long shared the universal veneration for Father Madeleine,yet, by dint of repeating to herself that it was he who had discharged her, that he was the cause of her unhappiness, she came to hate him also, and most of all


Although she was still ill, she discharged herself from hospital.


The manager was discharged for inefficiency.


The policeman discharged his gun into the air as a warning for the thief to stop.


Discharged, Discharge

排出的, 排出

属类:缩写词典 -航空缩写-缩写


1.A flow of electricity through air or other gas, especially when accompanied by emission of light.
‘a sizzling discharge between sky and turret’
‘During discharge, electrons flow from the negative electrode to the positive via this ‘external load’, thereby doing electrical work.’
2.A substance that has been discharged.
‘industrial discharge has turned the river into an open sewer’
‘a greeny-yellow nasal discharge’
3.An act of releasing someone from the custody or restraint of the law.
‘she was given an absolute discharge after admitting breaking a smoking ban’
‘Nor does it make for efficiency as the courts would be cluttered with prosecutions of blameless individuals who would ultimately be dealt with by means of an absolute discharge.’
4.The action of discharging a liquid, gas, or other substance.
‘those germs might lead to vaginal discharge’
‘What do we know about this government discharge of effluent?’
5.The action of discharging someone from a hospital or from the armed forces or police.
‘referrals can be discussed before discharge from hospital’
‘he failed a drug test and was given a dishonourable discharge’
6.The action of doing all that is required to fulfil a responsibility or perform a duty.
‘directors must use skill in the discharge of their duties’
‘A patriot is someone, whose pleasure arises from the faithful discharge of his duty to his country.’
7.The action of firing a gun or missile.
‘a police permit for discharge of an air gun’
‘sounds like discharges of artillery’
8.The action of unloading a ship.
‘freight for discharge’
9.The cancellation of an order of a court.
‘an application for discharge of a supervision order’
‘In a suitable case an application for discharge of the care order is available.’
10.The payment of a debt.
‘money paid in discharge of a claim’
‘The company’s assertions in its books of account did not establish the indebtedness of the appellants or any payment of money in discharge of that indebtedness.’
11.The release of electricity from a charged object.
‘slow discharge of a condenser is fundamental to oscillatory circuits’
‘The problem is that when a large electrical discharge occurs, the magnetic pulse produced causes a voltage to be induced in any wires that may be nearby.’
12.The relief of a bankrupt from residual liability.
‘machinery to rehabilitate the bankrupt through the process of discharge’
‘The mortgage debt was included in the bankruptcy discharge.’

1.(of a firearm) be fired.
‘there was a dull thud as the gun discharged’
‘After the shotgun had discharged he placed it in a rubbish bin and crawled back to his home address.’
2.(of a judge or court) cancel (an order of a court)
‘the court may discharge a care order on the application of the child’
‘It may well be that in the light of that report the authority will wish to apply to the High Court to discharge the consent order made last year.’
3.(of a person) fire (a gun or missile)
‘when you shoot you can discharge as many barrels as you wish’
‘I threw my arm back, pistol in hand, and started to discharge bullets at them while running forward.’
4.(of an orifice or diseased tissue) emit (pus or other liquid)
‘the swelling will eventually break down and discharge pus’
‘the eyes and nose began to discharge’
5.Allow (a liquid, gas, or other substance) to flow out from where it has been confined.
‘industrial plants discharge highly toxic materials into rivers’
‘the overflow should discharge in an obvious place’
6.Allow (a patient) to leave hospital because they are judged fit.
‘Mark was taken away in an ambulance but later discharged’
‘The patient was discharged to his local hospital with plans for treatment with chemotherapy.’
7.Allow (an emotion) to be expressed.
‘he discharged his resentment in the harmless form of memoirs’
‘The principle is same in music therapy, which can help patients to discharge harmful emotions inside such as depression, stress and worry.’
8.Cancel (a contract) because of completion or breach.
‘an existing mortgage to be discharged on completion’
‘There are enough questions raised by the material for me to conclude that the mortgage should not be discharged on closing.’
9.Dismiss from the armed forces or police.
‘his memory was impaired and he was discharged from the RAF’
‘Both were dishonourably discharged from National Service in 1954 after spending much of their time in military prisons.’
10.Do all that is required to perform (a duty) or fulfil (a responsibility)
‘the bank had failed to discharge its supervisory duties’
‘He will have no problem in discharging his duties in that game.’
11.Pay off (a debt)
‘the executor must discharge the funeral expenses’
‘The decision means the pair cannot discharge their debts jointly through bankruptcy the way other married couples do.’
12.Release (a party) from a contract or obligation.
‘the insurer is discharged from liability from the day of breach’
‘In the end, that was what this arrangement depended upon, that the putative trustee should acquire the property beneficially and be discharged of its obligations.’
13.Release from the custody or restraint of the law.
‘she was conditionally discharged for two years at Oxford Crown Court’
‘She was formally discharged by the court following the jury’s unanimous verdict.’
14.Release or neutralize the electric charge of (an electric field, battery, or other object)
‘the electrostatic field that builds up on a monitor screen can be discharged’
‘batteries have a tendency to discharge slowly’
15.Relieve (a bankrupt) of residual liability.
‘first-time bankrupts are discharged automatically after three years’
‘Currently every first-time bankrupt is discharged automatically either two or three years after the date of the bankruptcy order depending on how much was originally owed.’
16.Relieve (a juror or jury) from serving in a case.
‘if the jury cannot agree, it should be discharged’
‘After a day of deliberations the jury was discharged and the prosecution asked for a week to decide whether to retry the accused.’
17.Tell (someone) officially that they can or must leave a place or situation.
‘And this morning, all we heard was that you’d been discharged and sent to see the headmaster.’
‘The police suspect he had been discharged from his factory in 1983.’
18.Unload (goods or passengers) from a ship.
‘the ferry was discharging passengers’
‘ninety ships were queuing to discharge’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。