

    比较级:drearier 最高级:dreariest
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    形容词 变体/同根词

    A bit of spangle and the dreariest band gets to count the raves on a hundred adoring hands, even if their records are then roundly ignored.
    It was a heavy forenoon for me, perhaps the bleakest and dreariest of my life.
    They were the longest, the dullest, the dreariest, the most irritatingly undelighting weeks that he had ever lived through.
    It was a house which typified the drearier tenets of its occupier with great exactness.
    Steadily drearier grew the ocean, flatter all the heathen lands.
    Without frosty, refreshing root beer on a hot summer day, everyone appears a little droopier and feels somewhat drearier.
    同义词: bleaksome
    Marked by dreariness; characteristically dreary.

    名词 变体/同根词

    The characteristic of being dreary.
    Some have been through all the sciences, and are still depressed, and I fancy that the more intellect a man has, the greater his dreariness.
    The blossom of my youth and the flower of my manhood have been darkened by the dreariness of servitude.
    Each evening we put into a French port, and each port greeted us with the same dour dreariness.

    ||1:Millions made for America’s beaches and parks back then, because they suddenly had the means to do so: 1950 was the first year the average household owned a car.||2:The country’s two most famous bears, Smokey, a wildfire-orphaned cub who became a sensation in 1950, and Yogi, who hit televisions in 1958, were also alluring.||3:And whereas citizens of drearier rich countries have been liberated by foreign holidays, Americans’ vast backyard remains too wonderful to be supplanted.||4:Americans are much less likely to travel abroad than rich Asians or Europeans—not only, or mostly, because they are afraid to, but because they don’t need to.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-列克星顿专栏--美国回溯20世纪50年代(2) -

    ||1:That puts a different spin on a trend most economists have seen in a drearier light.||2:They thought a lacklustre economy was suppressing participation by driving discouraged workers out of the labour market altogether, and that participation would rebound along with the economy.||3:Mr Krueger agrees that part of the drop is due to lack of demand for labour because of the recession, but thinks something else is at work: the underlying trend in participation in the past decade has already been falling because of an ageing work force and a downdrift in participation by women.||4:It may tick up in coming years as the young people now in college graduate.||5:When they do, Mr Krueger notes, they will have more human capital, which will, with luck, earn them higher wages and boost the economy’s overall potential.||6:Which would be all to the good, since they will have hefty student loans to repay.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-势利之国 Snob Nation -
