例句1. another dreary day at school
例句2. she shouldn’t be thinking of dreary things like funerals
||1:Millions made for America’s beaches and parks back then, because they suddenly had the means to do so: 1950 was the first year the average household owned a car.||2:The country’s two most famous bears, Smokey, a wildfire-orphaned cub who became a sensation in 1950, and Yogi, who hit televisions in 1958, were also alluring.||3:And whereas citizens of drearier rich countries have been liberated by foreign holidays, Americans’ vast backyard remains too wonderful to be supplanted.||4:Americans are much less likely to travel abroad than rich Asians or Europeans—not only, or mostly, because they are afraid to, but because they don’t need to.
||1:That puts a different spin on a trend most economists have seen in a drearier light.||2:They thought a lacklustre economy was suppressing participation by driving discouraged workers out of the labour market altogether, and that participation would rebound along with the economy.||3:Mr Krueger agrees that part of the drop is due to lack of demand for labour because of the recession, but thinks something else is at work: the underlying trend in participation in the past decade has already been falling because of an ageing work force and a downdrift in participation by women.||4:It may tick up in coming years as the young people now in college graduate.||5:When they do, Mr Krueger notes, they will have more human capital, which will, with luck, earn them higher wages and boost the economy’s overall potential.||6:Which would be all to the good, since they will have hefty student loans to repay.
1.Depressingly dull and bleak or repetitive.
‘the _dreary_ round of working, eating, and trying to sleep’
‘The Bank’s pronouncements flow from an equally _dreary_ view that inflation is yet again about to take off.’
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