

    名词复数:expiries 词频:高频常用词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    Failure in filing in an extension application before the expiry date shall be deemed as automatic abandonment of the reservation.
    If it fails to appeal or to pay the fine or the confiscated sum at the expiry of the prescribed period.
    If the date of expiry happens to be a holiday, the validity is automatically extended to the next working day
    The redeemable secured bonds at an annual interest rate of 6% issued by Lien Hoe had a total value of 85,740,000 Ringgit, expiry on August 17, 1998
    n. 【水利】
    An application shall not be refused solely on the ground that intended use has not taken place before the expiry of a period of three years from the date of application
    终结;满期,; 呼气,; 死亡
    n. 【法律专业】
    期满 ,失效之日


    例句1. the expiry of the lease’


    例句2. the expiry of his term of office’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Of or pertaining to expiration
    “Preservation of maximal expiratory pressure is critical for the expulsive phase of labor.”
    “Pulmonary function, maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, quadriceps force, handgrip force, and maximal exercise capacity were assessed.”
    “They have noisy respirations, and expiratory stridor is usually present from birth.”
    That may expire; capable of being brought to an end.
    “The system also handles electronic signatures via configurable options such as expirable passwords, user blocking and retiring, and records of failed login attempts.”
    Ending, terminating, dying.
    that is no longer valid || that has been breathed out || dead

    动词 变体/同根词

    (intransitive) to die || (intransitive) to become invalid || (intransitive) to exhale; to breathe (out). || (transitive) to exhale (something). || (transitive) To give forth insensibly or gently, as a fluid or vapour; to emit in minute particles. || (transitive) To bring to a close; to terminate.
    “If two doctors agree that the condition has reached the point of no return then it should be agreed to let the person expire with dignity.”
    “The drug is primarily metabolized by the lungs and expired as carbon dioxide.”
    “Ex-patriots must make extra trips to the police station permit section if the documents often expire at different times.”