1 | 第七十九条税收征管法及本细则所称 " 以上 " 、 " 以下 " 、 " 日内 " 、 " 届满 " 均含本数。 | Article 79. The terms ". . . (figure). . . and above", "up to . . . (figure). . . " "between . . . (figure). . . and . . . (figure). . . ", "within . . . days" and "on the expiry of . . . " as stated in the Tax Administration Law and these Detailed Rules shall all include in the amount the figures listed. | |
2 | 第十二条 外国运输企业常驻代表机构驻在期满或者提前终止业务活动,应当在终止业务活动的三十天前,以书面形式向中华人民共和国交通部报告。 | Article 12. When permanent representative offices of foreign transport enterprises intend to terminate their business upon or before the expiry of their resident period, they should report to MCT in written form within 30 days before such a termination. | |
3 | 第五十五条 香港特别行政区行政会议的成员由行政长官从行政机关的主要官员、立法会议员和社会人士中委任,其任免由行政长官决定。行政会议成员的任期应不超过委任他的行政长官的任期。 | Article 55 Members of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be appointed by the Chief Executive from among the principle officials of the executive authorities, members of the Legislative Council and public figures. Their appointment or removal shall be decided by the Chief Executive. The term of office of members of the Executive Council shall not extend beyond the expiry of the term of office of the Chief Executive who appoints them. | |
4 | 第一百零二条 申请人在本细则第一百零一条第二款规定的期限内未办理进入中国国家阶段手续,或者在该期限届满时有下列情形之一的,其国际申请在中国的效力终止: | Article 102 Where the applicant fails to fulfill the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China within the time limit provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 101 of these Rules, or in case of any of the following circumstances at the expiry of this time limit, the effectiveness of his/its international application in China shall be terminated: | |
5 | 董事在任期届满前,股东会不得无故解除其职务。 | The shareholders’ meeting may not without reason remove a director from office before the expiry of that director’s term. | |
6 | 对于需要较长期间连续履行的合同,当事人应当约定合同的有效期限,并可以约定延长合同期限和提前终止合同的条件。 | Where a contract needs to be performed continuously over a long period, the parties shall set a period of validity for the contract and may also stipulate conditions for its extension and its termination before its expiry . | |
7 | 发明专利申请人应当一并缴纳各个年度的申请维持费,授予专利权的当年不包括在内。期满未缴纳费用的, | The applicant for a patent for invention shall pay each year’s fee for maintaining the application in lump sum, excluding the year when the patent right is granted. Where such fees have not been paid at the expiry of the time limit, | |
8 | 凡要求提交运输单据的信用证,除规定一个交单到期日外,尚须规定一个在装运日后按信用证条款规定必须交单的特定期限。 | In addition to stipulating an expiry date for presentation of documents, every Credit which calls for a transport document(s)should also stipulate a specified period of time after the date of shipment during which presentation must be made in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit. | |
9 | 复议机关逾期不作出复议决定的,当事人可以在复议期满之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉。 | If a review organ fails to take a decision within the time limit, the party concerned may bring the case before the people’s court within 15 days starting from the date of expiry of the review period. | |
10 | 复议机关逾期不作出复议决定的,当事人可以在复议期满之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉。 | If no decision has been made by the authorities responsible for reconsideration upon the expiry of the time limit, the party concerned may bring an action in a people’s court within 15 days of the expiry of the time limit for reconsideration. | |
11 | 该船舶根据第23条获得注册;由临时注册日期起计的3个月期届满。 | the registration of the ship under section 23; or the expiry of a period of 3 months commencing on the date of provisional registration, whichever first occurs. | |
12 | 根据第24条就该船舶发给注册证明书;第29(2)条所指的临时注册期届满。 | until the grant of a certificate of registry in respect of the ship under section 24; or the expiry of the period of provisional registration referred to in section 29 (1), whichever first occurs. | |
13 | 公司发言人新胜(音)引用吉田在记者招待会上的话说:“别人告诉我这些产品已经过了保质期,但我还是下令出售,因为我尝过了,味道很好。” | "I was told that the products were past their expiry date, but I gave the group to sell them after I tried them and found them tasty," a spokesman for the company, Shinsho, quoted Yoshida as telling a news conference | |
14 | 公司可在原定的投标有效期满之前向投标人提出投标有效期延长到另行规定时间的要求。 | prior to the expiry of the original tender validity period, the company may request the tenderers for a specified extension of the period of validity. | |
15 | 购股权可以于行使期间内任何时间行使,行使期由授予购股权及被接纳日起六个月后开始,惟不得超过该购股权授出日期十年以外。 | The option may be exercised at any time during the exercise period, commencing on the expiry of 6 calendar months from the date the option is granted and accepted, but in any event not later than ten years from the date of grant. | |
16 | 国务院专利行政部门应当通知专利权人自应当缴纳年费期满之日起6个月内补缴, | the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall notify the patent holder to rectify the insufficiency within 6 months as of the expiry of the time limit within which the annual fee was to be paid, | |
17 | 合同期满时,引进技术所涉及的专利尚未期满的,应当按照《中华人民共和国专利法》的有关规定办理。 | If, on the expiry of a contract, the term for a patent relating to the imported technology has yet to expire, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China. | |
18 | 合同自批准之日起生效,满六个月尚未实施的,原审批机关可以撤销合同,当事人如有正当理由,允许于限期前申请延长。 | The contract comes into force on the date of approval, and it may be cancelled by the approval department if it is not implemented within six months. The parties involved are allowed to apply for an extension before expiry if they have a valid reason(s). | |
19 | 驾驶执照、租约、信用卡、合同、协议等的期满 | The expiry of a driving licence,lease, credit card,contract,agreement,etc | |
20 | 假如议付满期日是节假日,它就可以自动延长到第一个工作日。 | If the date of expiry happens to be a holiday, the validity is automatically extended to the next working day | |
21 | 检查有效期限(生产后一至两年内为有效期) | Review the expiry date (use them within a year or two of the date they were manufactured) | |
22 | 经一方提议,董事会会议一致通过,可以在合营期满六个月前向外经贸部(或其委托的审批机构)申请延长合营期限。 | An application for the extension of the duration, proposed by one party and unanimously approved by the board of directors, shall be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (or the examination and approval authority entrusted by it)six months prior to the expiry date of the joint venture. | |
23 | 联和机构的年率6%可赎回担保债券,其发行总值为8574万零吉,届满期限为98年8月17日。 | The redeemable secured bonds at an annual interest rate of 6% issued by Lien Hoe had a total value of 85,740,000 Ringgit, expiry on August 17, 1998 | |
24 | 旅客退票最迟应在客票有效期满后三十天内并在原购票地点办理。 | The refund should be made not later than 30 days after expiry date of the ticket and only in the place where the ticket has been purchased. | |
25 | 买方必须支付由于买方未按照B7规定通知卖方,或其指定的船只未按时到达,或未接收货物,或较按照B7通知的时间提早停止装货,则自约定的交货日期或期限届满时起的风险和费用。 | The buyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for delivery which arise because he fails to give notice in accordance with B7, or because the vessel nominated by him fails to arrive on time, or is unable to take the goods, or closes for cargo earlier than the time notified in accordance with B7. | |
26 | 你从国书馆借的书哪一天到期? | What is the expiry date on your library book? | |
27 | 你从国书馆借的小说书哪一天到期? | What is the expiry date on your library novel? | |
28 | 期满后需要继续常驻的,应在期满之日三十天前, | If the representative office needs to continue the resident operation after the expiry of the period, it must, within 30 days before the expiry of the period, | |
29 | 期满未补正的,该无效宣告请求视为未提出。 | Where no rectification has been made at the expiry of the time limit, the request for invalidation shall be deemed to have not been filed. | |
30 | 期满未答复的,不影响国务院专利行政部门作出关于强制许可的决定。 | Where no response has been made at the expiry of the time limit, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall not be affected in making a decision to grant a compulsory license. |