1 | 银行应避免用此种方式注明信用证的到期日。 | Banks should discourage indication of the expiry date of the Credit in this manner. | |
2 | 用户于租用本业务未满合约期间,要求退租者,其前所享有之折扣金额皆须于本公司通知期限内退回。 | If the termination before the expiry date of the Contract Term is attributable to the customer, the term discount enjoyed by him previously shall be rebated to CHT. | |
3 | 用户租用本业务应缴之费用,应在本公司通知缴费之期限内缴清,逾期未缴清者,本公司得注销其申请或通知定期停止其使用 | The customer shall pay all charges within the bill expiry date. In the event that any charges remain unpaid after the due date, CHT shall be entitled to suspend the service. | |
4 | 于室温下保存,在标签上所注过期日期以前使用。 | Store at room temperature, use before the expiry date indicated on the lablel | |
5 | 逾期不办理申请延长手续的,视为自动放弃预约。 | Failure in filing in an extension application before the expiry date shall be deemed as automatic abandonment of the reservation. | |
6 | 逾期不改的,要吊销其营业执照,取缔其经营资格; | those that fail to make corrections on expiry of the time period shall be revoked of their business licenses and their qualifications for operations nullified; | |
7 | 逾期不提出申诉又不缴纳罚没款的 | If it fails to appeal or to pay the fine or the confiscated sum at the expiry of the prescribed period. | |
8 | 在60天期满之前,两成员中的任何一成员均可将此事项交TMB。在以上两种情况下,TMB均应迅速对此事项进进行审查,包括严重损害、严重损害的实际威胁及其原因的确定,并在30天内向有关成员提出适当建议。 | It shall be open to either Member to refer the matter to the TMB before the expiry of the period of 60 days. In either case, the TMB shall promptly conduct an examination of the matter, including the determination of serious damage, or actual threat thereof, and its causes, and make appropriate recommendations to the Members concerned within 30 days. | |
9 | 在特殊条件下,在原标书有效期结束前,业主或其代理人可要求投标者延长其标书有效期。 | In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original tender validity period, the Employer or his agent ××may request the tenderers for a specified extension to the period of validity. | |
10 | 这位发言人说,公司卖了大约2600个冻春卷给各家商店,尽管其中一些已经过期将近半年。 | The company sold about 2,600 frozen spring rolls to stores even though some were nearly six months past their expiry date, the spokesman said |