例句1. a TV exposé on chart hyping
例句1. the gold covering was flaking away, exposing the white plaster
例句2. he was exposed to asbestos at his workplace
例句3. the colony had been exposed to new liberal ideas
形容词 变体/同根词
名词 变体/同根词
动词 变体/同根词
(2)If, before the execution of the sentence, the criminal exposes major criminal facts or renders other significantly meritorious service, thus the sentence may need to be revised; or
Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, any person who sells or exposes or has in his possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or manufacture, any goods to which any forged trade mark is applied,
(3)a hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults;(4)a delicacy of honor which is sensitive to shame;(5)over-solicitude for his men, which exposes him to worry and trouble.
If Milton exposes Puritanism at its best, Samuel Butler in his satire Hudibras, showed all the hypocrisies of Puritanism, and its cramping of the human spirit
Further treatment with hot monoethanolamine fully exposes the interlaced arrangement of fibrils
exhausts his muscles and bones, exposes him to starvation and poverty, harasses him by troubles and setbacks so as to stimulate his spirit, toughen his nature and enhance his abilities.
Mary’s gown exposes too much cleavage.
The partner in bridge who exposes his or her hand to be played by the declarer.
The Death of a Little Girl Exposes an Ethical Hole
But the success of such a strategy exposes the entire national economy to a greater volatility and disruption.
His act exposes him to ridicule.
It explores the underlying drivers of the rapid changes and exposes the threats and opportunities they generate.
When heaven is about to place great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and bones, exposes him to starvation and poverty
Vanity exposes a person to ridicule.
The newspaper exposes corruption in high places without being tamed by their arbitrariness
||1:In March the three main political parties responded by proposing a royal charter—an ancient device seen as less offensive to a free press than statute would be.||2:The charter provides for a regulator as well as a “recognition panel”, free from press or political control, to police its independence.||3:The regulator could impose fines of up to £1m ($1.6m) on newspapers and insist on prominent corrections.||4:The charter also exposes newspapers that refuse to join the regulatory regime to punitive damages if cases are brought against them.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-政客与媒体 媒体控制
||1:As for President Fran.ois Hollande, the result was a downright humiliation, however much Mr Valls tried to argue otherwise.||2:The Socialists are set for crushing losses in the second round–they have lost every mid-term election since Mr Hollande took office.||3:This election exposes a cruel calculation on the left, as the party turns its eyes towards 2017.||4:The Socialists’ poor score reflects a failure in most constituencies to join up with the Greens and other parties of the left.||5:If the party has any hope of making it into the presidential run-off in 2017, it needs friends.||6:Yet the ideological differences between the moderates around Mr Valls and the rest of the French left have never looked so wide, nor the chances of bridging them so slim.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国省议会选举 三雄争霸
||1: In the second part of “The Believing Brain” Mr Shermer applies those observations to the almost infinite variety of weird and wonderful beliefs that people hold, from alien abductions to government conspiracies to bring down the World Trade Centre—and, inevitably, to religion (a chapter on politics, by contrast, feels misplaced and forced). ||2: He is an able skewerer of sloppy thinking. ||3: The section on conspiracy theories, for instance, memorably exposes the bizarre leaps of logic that adherents often make: “If I cannot explain every single minutia [about the collapse of the twin towers]… ||4: That lack of knowledge equates to direct proof that 9/11 was orchestrated by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the CIA.”
||1:在《有信仰者》第二部分,薛默先生引用了这些对人们所怀有的几乎所有怪异信仰的观察结果,从外星人绑架到炸毁世界贸易中心的政府阴谋,不可避免地也谈及到宗教(相比之下,政治这一章让人感觉有点错位和牵强)。||2:他是一个能干的凌乱思维整理者。||3: 例如, 关于阴谋论部分,明显出现逻辑思维的断层:信徒们常常认为“如果我不能解释出[关于双子塔倒塌]的每一细节... ... ||4:这认识的缺失相当于直接证明9/11是布什、切尼、伦斯斐和中央情报局精心安排的。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-非理性信仰 Irrational belief
The retreat of the ice also exposes ever more sea to do the absorbing.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-北极 龙舌兰日落
The retreat of the ice also exposes ever more sea to do the absorbing.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-北极海域 龙舌兰日落
A fearless, crusading newspaper exposes corruption in high places without being deterred by the danger of reprisal
The BackgroundWorker class exposes the DoWork event, to which your worker thread is attached through a DoWork event handler.
The Bookmark control is a bookmark that has a unique name, exposes events, and can be bound to data.
Cookies are sent to the server with a page request and are accessible as part of the HttpRequest object, which exposes a Cookies collection.
The MailLink control exposes an Email property for the e-mail address and a Text property for the text to display on the hyperlink.
A Microsoft. Office. Tools. Excel. ChartSheet host item is a worksheet in Excel that contains only a chart and exposes events.
NFL Europe considered the developmental league exposes the game to thousands of people on that continent.
The Pen object also exposes properties, such as DashStyle, that you can use to specify features of the line.
The SiteMap object, in turn, exposes a collection of SiteMapNode objects that contain properties for each node in the site map.
The Web service exposes a set of programmatic interfaces that client applications can use to access report servers.
1.A report in the media that reveals something discreditable.
‘a shocking exposé of a medical cover-up’
‘But while there have been major media exposés concerning European funding for left-wing, pro-peace organizations, we know very little about the sources of right-wing media funding.’
1.Cause someone to be vulnerable or at risk.
‘many newcomers are _exposing_ themselves to injury’
‘The plain was as flat as a tabletop, and she instinctively felt _exposed_ and vulnerable, there being no possible way to conceal one’s presence.’
2.Introduce someone to (a subject or area of knowledge)
‘students were _exposed_ to statistics in high school’
‘‘We lived in the Mount Baker area so she could be _exposed_ to diverse socioeconomic communities,’ said her father.’
3.Leave (a child) in the open to die.
4.Make (something embarrassing or damaging) public.
‘the situation _exposed_ a conflict within the government’
‘The problems have largely been of confidence and that has often been _exposed_ at the French Open, where she seems to suffer from the burden of home expectation and has a relatively poor record.’
5.Make (something) visible by uncovering it.
‘at low tide the sands are _exposed_ ’
‘The low quality fish they dry on sand, _exposing_ it to birds and animals, may not bring them good revenue.’
6.Publicly and indecently display one’s genitals.
‘police are hunting a man who _exposed_ himself to a schoolgirl’
‘He also has allegations of _exposing_ himself and urinating in public.’
7.Reveal the true, objectionable nature of (someone or something)
‘he has been _exposed_ as a liar and a traitor’
‘Yet he loves to _expose_ those in the public eye, especially Tory politicians, for sleaze.’
8.Subject (photographic film) to light when operating a camera.
‘all over Europe, thousands of miles of film are _exposed_ for holiday snaps’
‘Her work makes excellent use of what looks like badly _exposed_ outdated Polaroid film.’
9.Unprotected, especially from the weather.
‘the coast is very _exposed_ to the south-west’
‘Treated seed _exposed_ on soil surfaces will be hazardous to birds and other wildlife.’
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