

    音标:[暂缺] 现在分词:fulfilling
    过去式:fulfilled 过去分词:fulfilled
    第三人称单数:fulfils 词频:高频常用词
    基本释义/说明:vt. 完成(任务,计划等);
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    A nurse has many duties to fulfil in caring for the sick.
    A chimney fulfils the function of taking away smoke.
    The doctor`s instructions must be fulfilled exactly.
    If you make a promise you should fulfil it.
    fulfil sb`s expectations or hopes
    The old belief that the world would come to an end after 1,000 years was not fulfil led.
    If he`s lazy, he`ll never fulfil his ambition to be a doctor.
    She realized that she could never fulfil herself in such work.


    例句1. I knew I could fulfil my ambition to be a millionaire before I was thirty’


    例句2. some officials were dismissed because they could not fulfil their duties’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Capable of being fulfilled.
    “They want to ensure that the commitment of new members to the Alliance’s principles and work will be enduring and fulfillable.”
    “If the demands are comprehensible and fulfillable, fear may drive people to comply.”
    “Every fulfillable order received before noon is processed that day, and leaves our warehouse within 2 business days.”
    Emotionally satisfied; feeling a sense of fulfilment.
    “He guarantees you a great future and a fulfilled life.”
    Which causes fulfillment; emotionally or artistically satisfying.
    “They are wished fulfilling and happy times while at school.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    One that fulfills.
    “He is the fulfiller of needs, remover of calamities, obviator of the difficulties, supplier of the water of Kauthar.”
    “The next step is to send an e-mail notification to the order fulfiller indicating that a new order is ready to be processed.”
    “The manual assignment of tasks to one fulfiller in a group of fulfillers may cause additional delays.”
    The state of being fulfilled or complete; completeness; that which fills all things; fulfillment
    “In order to create a stable fuzzy ontology certain checks for accuracy and fulfillness must be done.”
    “Let us allow Him to work in and through us to reveal the way to fulfillness.”
    “What is destroyed will be replaced by creative light, fulfillness and progressive development.”
    The act of fulfilling. || The state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization. || The act of consummating a desire or promise. || (business) The activities performed once an order is received to fulfill the order; packaging, distributing and shipping goods.
    “The prospect of a self-portrait is a wish fulfillment in more ways than one.”
    “The protagonist, Janie Crawford, begins a quest for romance but achieves spiritual fulfillment.”
    “We have to be able to get along with each other and co-exist to attain real fulfillment.”
    The act of fulfilling. || The state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization. || The act of consummating a desire or promise. || (business) The activities performed once an order is received to fulfill the order; packaging, distributing and shipping goods.
    “Tomas is a very popular young man and we wish him joy and fulfilment in his ministry as a priest of the diocese.”
    “Ten months later Carolyn is the one worrying about work in the small hours while her husband is still glowing with fulfilment.”
    “Eventually, any pretence of a plot is jettisoned in favour of romantic wish fulfilment.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “It is a good four generations, and fulfilleth the requirements of the rule.”
    “For Georgie, 24, a keen sportswoman who has played both volleyball and lacrosse competitively, her new post also fulfils a dream.”
    “Then it is time for mirth and merriment, as he fulfils all his little wishes.”
    “The man is in fact respected in the family precisely because of the sacerdotal function that he fulfils.”