

    音标:['ɡlɔːri] 现在分词:glorying
    过去式:gloried 过去分词:gloried
    名词复数:glories 第三人称单数:glories
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    Let other pens dwell on the glories
    He glories in serving his motherland
    Thinking of departed glories
    Glories like glowworms, afar off shines bright, but looked to near, have neither heard nor light.-- John Webster

    名词 变体/同根词

    glory, the state or quality of being glorious
    “The complete version needed nothing less than an entire website to contain its full gloriousness.”
    “She had opened all the windows to let that gloriousness in and decided quickly that it was just too nice of a day to stay inside.”
    “The worst of it was that half its gloriousness seemed to have subsided before the pleasant manners of the head-mistress.”
    Agent noun of glorify; one who glorifies.
    “For those of us who aren’t fans of the hot-tempered, English language-butchering, xenophobic glorifier of fighting, his dismissal will not come soon enough.”
    “The 18-year-old has other product-specific materials, such as a review from F. Paul Pacult’s The Spirit Journal and wood bottle glorifier sets.”
    The act of glorifying or the state of being glorified. || Specifically, the ascension (of Christ or humans) to the glory of heaven. || The worshiping of a deity; extolment or laudation. || The portrayal of something as being ideal; idealization.
    “This has led to the acceptance and even glorification of profoundly woman-hating behaviors and institutions.”
    “To some the praise of politicians may seem but the glorification of worldly success.”
    “His effort appears to have been geared more toward ancestral rehabilitation than ancestral glorification.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “Black-eyed and skeletal, she seemed to be almost glorying in her predicament.”
    “They take our licence fee, without so much as a by-your-leave, and then pump out scores of adverts glorying in their own ability.”
    “They flew throughout the night, glorying in the sensation of flight and the rush of air through their pinions.”
    “I hate the way people are now glorifying cutters with the stupid little pictures of bleeding arms and sad little poems on them.”
    “Well before the renaissance, the new men were buying up land, seizing cities, glorifying themselves with new titles and heraldic blazons.”
    “Is this, at bottom, about international order or is it really about bearding the Americans and glorifying France?”
    “The lyrics gloried in sometimes using the original phrases in a hilariously new context, or mischievously punning on them.”
    “She gloried in the lengths of dimity and poplin, in the intricacies of new stitches and embroidery.”
    “But the justice done to Edgar she gloried in, as an apology for her feelings, and exculpatory of her weakness.”