

    名词复数:imposition 词频:低频词
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    n. 【法律专业】


    例句1. the imposition of an alien culture on the indigenous inhabitants’

    例句3. it would be no imposition, I assure you’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Capable of being imposed or laid on.
    “Considering that the penalty imposable for the crime is life imprisonment, no bail is recommended for the temporary liberty of the accused,’’ Mupas said in his order.”
    Magnificent and impressive because of appearance, size, stateliness or dignity.
    “Silently she resolved to make a better impression on the imposing woman the next time around.”
    That imposes a rule.
    Of or relating to imposition; intrusive.

    名词 变体/同根词

    “I prefer to ensorcell than to be defined, which cramps my becoming through its impositions and limitations.”
    “There has been no analysis whatsoever of what impact the levy and cost impositions will have on registered motor vehicle dealers.”
    “The memoirs note the nightly patrols by proctors searching for students, an offence liable to bring hefty fines and other impositions.”
    One who imposes.
    “Between a sincere, involuntary misunderstanding the imposer, and a voluntary, fraudulent reservation or private sense.”
    “It is ordinarily resolved that imposed oaths must be kept according to the sense of the imposer.”
    “Thus the solemn work of swearing is awfully profaned by both the imposer and the jurant.”
    (rare) The act of imposing.
    “Conformity was maintained through a patterned series of social controls which, contrary to the usual system of imposure, actually emanated from within the membership.”
    The quality of being imposing.
    The act of imposing; imposition.

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To establish or apply by authority. || (intransitive) to be an inconvenience || to enforce: compel to behave in a certain way || To practice a trick or deception. || To lay on, as the hands, in the religious rites of confirmation and ordination. || To arrange in proper order on a table of stone or metal and lock up in a chase for printing; said of columns or pages of type, forms, etc.
    “The government will soon impose charges on the use of plastic carrier bags.”
    “As a result, a few outspoken individuals were allowed to impose their ridiculous theories on the rest of us.”
    “His unreasonable request at the time would certainly impose upon me.”