例句1. I’ve been a lousy friend
例句2. the lousy, double-crossing snake!
1.Infested with lice.
‘This camp was _lousy_ with lice and fleas, and it wasn’t long before I was as _lousy_ as the rest of the boys there.’
‘He was _lousy_ with lice. If I hadn’t hugged him he would have bothered me all afternoon.’
2.Teeming with (something regarded as undesirable)
‘the town is _lousy_ with tourists’
‘There was poets’ pub, _lousy_ with drunks and soft with words, glittering with ideas and familiarity and mutual admiration.’
‘she felt _lousy_ ’
‘When you cut your carbs too low, you may feel really _lousy_ .’
4.Used to express anger, contempt, or annoyance.
‘you _lousy_ creeps’
‘But did you really expect I would recount my life after one _lousy_ hello?’
5.Very poor or bad.
‘the service is usually _lousy_ ’
‘ _lousy_ weather’
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