
例句1. in the majority of cases
例句2. Labour retained the seat by a large majority

动词 变体/同根词

"but that ""there have been skilled organizers of opinion who. understood the mystery well enough to create majority on election day"". One of the factors involved in their creating majorities is just the mass media. "


madison also believed that the sheer size and geographic scope of the United States--even when the country consisted of just the 13 colonies--would make it difficult for sudden majorities to overwhelm the rights of a minority


Thinking and Analysis of the Principles and Majorities Restructuring of Qinzhou University


||1:Not coincidentally, these countries are among a handful in Latin America in which presidents now exercise near-absolute power.||2:Mr Correa, the late Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega deployed their electoral majorities to crush the independence of the judiciary, curb the media and hamper opposition.||3:In the extent of their power, if not in the route by which they obtained it, they resemble the region’s 19th-century dictators—whose absolutism is captured in the title of a classic Paraguayan novel by Augusto Roa Bastos called “Yo, el Supremo”.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贝约 我至高无上 -

||1:It is, perhaps, the most glaring failure of Mr Obama’s first term.||2:On his second full day in office, surrounded by 16 retired generals and admirals, he signed the order to close the facility that he said had probably created more terrorists than it ever detained.||3:With majorities in both chambers of Congress he looked set to make good on his pledge.||4:There was just one problem: the president had a timetable, but no plan.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-关塔那摩战俘营迎来十周年纪念日 -

||1:Indeed, the political risks to the euro may be greater now than they were at the height of the euro crisis in 2011-12.||2:What was striking then was that large majorities of ordinary voters preferred to stick with the single currency despite the austerity imposed by the conditions of their bail-outs, because they feared that any alternative would be even more painful.||3:Now that the economies of Europe seem a little more stable, the risks of walking away from the single currency may also seem smaller.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-希腊和欧元 -

||1:Change can even be detected in the state legislature, where Republicans hold crushing, three-to-one super-majorities in both houses.||2:The flow of kick-’em-out bills slowed in 2012 and 2013.||3:In 2014 a Republican state senator fromChattanooga, Todd Gardenhire, easily passed a law clarifying thatTennessee’s public universities can admit American-born children of undocumented parents at the same discounted rate as other local residents.||4:He could not pass a more ambitious bill, offering in-state tuition rates to kids who came illegally as children and who do well at school, but Mr Gardenhire vows to try again.||5:In the past five years some 18,000 Hispanic families have headed to his district, he reports, many after neighbouringAlabamaandGeorgiapassed “draconian” laws.||6:Yes, they arrived illegally, but that is no reason to “punish kids”, argues the senator. “They are here, and they are trying to do their best.”||7:To date, lots of his colleagues are “afraid” of challenges from the right in party primaries.||8:But, hesays, they know that educating youngsters makes “economic sense”.

||1:甚至州立法院中都能察觉到这种改变,这里是共和党人的天下,他们在参众两院都以3:1的比例占据着绝对多数的席位。||2:主张“把他们踢出去”的法案洪流在2012和2013年放缓。||3:2014年,一位来自查塔努加名为托德·佳德海尔(Todd Gardenhire)的共和党州参议员轻松地通过了一项法律,明确了田纳西州的公立大学能够承认那些出生于美国但其父母没有合法文件的孩子,与当地居民享受同样的折扣率。||4:而通过一个更为激进的法案,即向非法来到美国但在学校表现很好的孩子们提供本州人享受的学费,看起来不太可能。但他发誓,他还要再试一次。||5:他说,在过去的五年中,有1.8万的拉美裔家庭搬来他所在的地区,其中许多是在毗邻的阿拉巴马和乔治亚通过了“严格”法律后才搬来的。||6:这位参议员说:“我们承认,他们是非法移民,但我们没有理由去惩罚孩子。他们已经来了,并且他们正在努力去做最好的自己。”||7:时至今日,他许多的同事都“害怕”在党内初选中受到右翼的挑战。||8:但是他说,他们也知道,青年人的教育具有经济意义。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 移民的数字游戏 -

||1: DOES a bill that does nothing actually do something? ||2: This is not a Zen koan, but a legislative one, being tested this month in Tennessee. ||3: The bill in question required the state’s education system to encourage students to “explore scientific questions” and “respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about scientific subjects”. ||4: It also protected teachers against punishment for “helping students understand, analyse, critique and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories.” ||5: It passed with big majorities in both chambers, and became law on April 10th when Bill Haslam, Tennessee’s governor, declined to veto it.

||1:一个没有具体措施的法案果真能“无为而治”吗?||2:这个本月在田纳西州试行的法案可不是禅宗的公案,而是确实具有法律效力的。||3:上述法案要求田纳西州的教育制度鼓励学生“探讨科学问题”并“包容、尊重关于科学问题的不同见解”。||4:根据法案,教师还能“帮助学生以客观的方式理解、分析、评论及考察现存科学理论中的优缺点”而不受处罚。||5: 法案在参众两院以多数票获得通过,4月10日,田纳西州州长比尔-哈斯拉姆(Bill Haslam)拒绝对法案进行否决,于是该法案在当日正式生效。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自然科学教育——猴子歌舞伎 -

overwhelming majorities , in all countries, either "agree" or "strongly agree. "


In 2010 both chambers of the state legislature boasted Republican majorities for the first time since 1870.


But the past two Democratic presidents had their share of problems early on, even though both had Democratic majorities in the Congress.


In addition, the majorities the Democrats won in the House and Senate are strong, but not overwhelming.


However, majorities of both blacks and whites did agree that the country is ready for an African-American president.


Greater trauma awaits the FDP, which may be so weakened that it can no longer furnish coalitions with majorities .


Fourth, the Islamists will not on their own win outright majorities in the new parliaments.


Some in the Obama camp have pooh-poohed as small-ball those items that Clinton chased after losing his congressional majorities .


Majorities also said countries had a right to go to war to ensure adequate energy supplies.


Russians also remain largely positive towards China (60%), as do majorities in Middle Eastern countries.


Methods With a self-administered questionnaire, a total of 519 students of three majorities in Yiyang Health School were surveyed.


Under the Lisbon treaty, this can be adopted by majorities that circumvent a Cypriot veto.


The Communists have run it non-stop since 1977, with large majorities .


Research About Foretelling and Minimizing the Occurrence of Cyclic Majorities


The Conservatives have rock-solid majorities in about 60 of parliament’s 308 seats, mainly in rural and western areas.


although the Democrats held bulletproof majorities there.


Democrats elected by majorities in their own districts had therefore drawn votes from people who voted for Perot for president.


The Democrats are poised to increase their majorities on Capitol Hill and have a better-than-even chance of taking the White House.


Next year a sympathetic President Obama, and big Democratic majorities in both houses of the new Congress, should ensure that.


Currently, majorities or pluralities in 15 of 21 countries outside of China have a positive view of this rising Asian power.


People follow confidence, and the majorities of popular people are confident or at least pretend to be.


lose their majorities in both chambers of Congress



1.A party or group receiving the greater number of votes.
‘Chuck Schumer rose to ask whether the Senate _majority_ leader might yield for a question.’
‘Following a number of defections from other parties, Thai Rak Thai commanded an absolute _majority_ in parliament.’
2.The age at which a person is legally a full adult, usually either 18 or 21.
‘kids get control of the money when they reach the age of _majority_ ’
‘It has not been amended even though the age of _majority_ has for many years been reduced to 18.’
3.The greater number.
‘in the _majority_ of cases all will go smoothly’
‘it was a _majority_ decision’
4.The number by which the votes cast for one party or candidate exceed those for the next.
‘Labour retained the seat with a _majority_ of 9,830’
‘Mr Davey held his seat in Kingston and Surbiton with a reduced _majority_ of 8,966 votes.’
5.The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together.
‘Without this shift, Kerry would have had a popular _majority_ of a million votes.’
6.The rank or office of a major.
‘In 1872 Captain Macfarlane was promoted to _majority_ .’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。