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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 “不采取行动”动议 “no action” motion

    2 “达标”活动 “target-hitting” activities / “up-to-standard” activities

    3 “放”的方针 policy of“opening wider”/policy of“being more flexible” / policy of“further relaxing control”

    4 “肯定一切”的观点 viewpoint that “everything is positive”/the viewpoint of “regarding everything as positive”

    5 “老大难”的问题 long-standing,big and difficult problems/lasting,complex and hard-to-solve problems

    6 “三八”红旗手 “March 8” Red-Banner Pacesetter

    7 “三定”方案 “three determine” program(determine the functions,number of posts and the number of new institutions)

    8 “五一”劳动奖章 “May 1” labor medal

    9 百人会 Committee of 100

    10 吃饭财政 payroll finance / “mouth-feeding budget”(a large proportion of the budget has been earmarked for paying salaries of government functionaries)

    11 大民主 great democracy

    12 大印支联邦 Greater Indo-Chinese Federation

    13 动员戡乱时期 Period of General Mobilization for Suppressing Rebellion

    14 独立建国 establish an independent country

    15 断箭 Broken Arrow

    16 反攻大陆 counterattacking the mainland

    17 房市 house market

    18 国际核情报系统 International Nuclear Information System

    19 回流移民 returning emigrants

    20 假统真独 phony reunification,real independence for Taiwan

    21 减亏增盈 reduce loss and increase profit

    22 建国党 Taiwan Independence Party

    23 立法院 Legislative Yuan

    24 立法真空 legislation vacuum

    25 绿条 an IOU issued by a post office(for deferred payment of remittance)

    26 蒙藏事务局 Bureau of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs

    27 蒙藏委员会 Commission for Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs

    28 蒙藏院 Mongolian and Tibetan Council

    29 模糊战略 “indistinct strategy”on the Taiwan issue

    30 撒胡椒面 Indiscriminate distribution of funds / commitment of financial appropriation to all projects regardless of their importance

    31 三铁 “three irons” : iron chair,iron rice bowl and iron salary(secure government post,job and pay that people will never lose whether they work hard or not)/

    32 四荒 “four wastes”(waste or barren hills,waste sloping fields,waste water area and waste beach)

    33 四清运动 The “Four Clean-ups” Movement(a nationwide movement to)“clean things up in the fields of politics,economy,organization and ideology,”)

    34 四自 “four selfs”(self-respect,self-confidence,self-reliance and self-improvement)

    35 探亲外交 “family visit diplomacy” / “relative-visiting” diplomacy

    36 汪辜会谈 Wang Daohan-Koo Chen-fu Talks

    37 务实外交 “pragmatic diplomacy”(diplomacy that disregards the principle of one China)

    38 香港银行公会 Hong Kong Association of Banks

    39 小而全 Small and all-inclusive

    40 匈牙利通讯社 Magyar Tavirati Iroda

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